Art Investment

We find a Roy Lichtenstein painting, missing for more than 40 years ago

On the New York stock art was discovered missing in 1970 Lichtenstein painting "electrical cord." The cost of finding up to $ 4 million
Roy Lichtenstein An electric wire. 1961

At a New York warehouse of art was discovered by Roy Lichtenstein painting "electric cord", which was considered lost since 1970. This black and white work done by the artist in 1961, was originally bought by a famous art dealer Leo Castelli (Leo Castelli) for $ 750 (now the picture is estimated at 4 million dollars). At one time in his gallery on East 77th Street, Leo Castelli spent many rising stars of the exhibition of postwar American art there, in particular, in 1962 and was the first exhibition of Lichtenstein. Picture of the "electric cord" Castelli in 1970, he sent for restoration, but did not wait for her return. Since then, the picture is considered to be lost.

After the death of an art dealer in 1999, the entire contents of his gallery was transferred to his widow, an Italian art critic and Barbara Bertozzi Castelli (Barbara Bertozzi Castelli). But that is lacking in this collection paintings' electric cord, "Castelli's widow found only in 2006 from a report by Roy Lichtenstein Foundation. Since then, the widow of the artist's dealer and the fund engaged in a joint search operation.

Last week, July 24, the fund Lichtenstein turned gallerist James Goodman (James Goodman) to conduct an examination of some of the Liechtenstein stored in the warehouse. The picture was going to sell, and the conclusion of the Fund needed to confirm its authenticity. In New York it was taken for the implementation of the new gallery Quinta in Bogota (Colombia). What a surprise it was the Fund's experts when they have identified work missing from Leo Castelli Gallery in the distant 1970. In this Tuesday, Superior Court Judge Peter Sherwood (Peter Sherwood) has imposed a temporary arrest of the canvas, exclusive access to it from the Goodman gallery owner, employee or store the current "owner". The sale process was of course suspended. On Monday held a hearing at which decides the fate of "Electric Cord».

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI


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