Art Investment

Graffiti in Los Angeles rescued from extinction by digital technology

A huge graffiti, almost 20 years adorn the walls of the former department store, will soon disappear in the course of global restructuring. However, its smaller version, created by digital technologies, will be on the other side of the same building

Public rescued Los Angeles graffiti Joanna Petig

example of selfless love for the street-art can be called an operation to rescue the graffiti artist Petig Joanna (Johanna Poethig) in the Los Angeles. Her song «Calle de la Eternidad» («The road of eternity") and gazing at the sky with his hands and Aztec symbols devoted to the problems of dislocation and social adaptation of the Latin diaspora in Los Angeles. Graffiti was created Petig in 1993 in one of the facades of the former department store coming to Broadway. Graffiti Petig takes us back to the days when Broadway was called "Dear eternity": the funeral procession marched him to the cemetery in the northern part.

new owner of the building department, architect David Gray (David L. Gray), planned to demolish the annexe of the 1950s, which is graffiti. Thus, he wants to return to the building of the early twentieth century, its original form. But the owner did not forget to think about a favorite of the whole work of street art. Together with the nonprofit Center for Social and Public Art in Los Angeles will be carried out rescue operation for transference of graffiti from demolished buildings on the other wall of the same building. Gray voluntarily assumed the associated costs, although the law was not obliged to do so. Fans of street art happy.

To copy the acrylic painted graffiti on the concrete size of 13 by 22 feet, the image is divided into 120 fragments, each of which has been scanned and photographed. Then these images are glued, and author Joanna Petig podretushiruet what happened in Photoshop. After the graffiti on a huge canvas, reproduce, according to their size only 20%of the original work. A copy of the "Roads of Eternity" will decorate one of renovated facade of the building a couple of years.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI


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