Art Investment

The Trevi Fountain crumbles

The city authorities have blamed the incident on winter snowfall, and party activists of "green" believe that the fault occurring insufficient funding from the Government of culture

experts examine the state of the Trevi Fountain, after a few fragments showered with him last Saturday,

last Saturday from the famous Trevi Fountain in Rome crumbled fragments of its rich baroque decoration. This is the latest incident in a series of similar cases that have occurred recently in Italy. Last year, crumbled pieces of masonry from the Coliseum, partially collapsed roof of the Golden Palace of Nero, and numerous collapse occurred in the archaeological complex of Pompeii.

City officials have tried to eliminate the consequences of the collapse of fragments of the Trevi Fountain. In heavy snowfall occurred blamed last winter, because of which the moisture seeped into the marble. Buildings and monuments of Rome are not adapted to such a level of precipitation, so what happened is not surprising, - the city superintendent of antiquities Umberto Broccoli.

However, the Italian party of "green" believes that the collapse occurred due to negligence and lack of care for the monument. The root cause of the same activists call the state budget reductions in the field of culture and protection of monuments. President of the party 'green' Angelo Bonelli said that they start a campaign to check the status of other Roman monuments.

The last time the Trevi fountain was restored in 1990. According to experts, the restoration failed and caused the collapse of the fragments of the monument. Looking around the fountain at the request of Umberto Broccoli, some of the supporting metal buckles in 1990 had split up.

monuments inspector complained that security forces at numerous cultural objects in times of crisis is not enough. After all, if the British, for example, there is only Adrianov shaft, then in Italy, almost every town is surrounded by Roman walls, the state that needs be watched.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina , AI


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