Art Investment

Gallery has agreed to remove from its website a sensational portrait of the president that split Society of South Africa

Gallery has reached a compromise with the party the African National Congress after considerable public pressure

Last week, the portrait of the president was attacked by vandals. Source:

scandal caused by the appearance of politically incorrect portrait of South African President Jacob Zuma (Jacob Zuma) , it seems, was complete. After negotiations with representatives of the African National Congress party gallery director Goodman announced that the gallery as a "goodwill gesture" will remove from your site to divert the public work of the artist Brett Murray (Bratt Murray). From the gallery work has already been removed - after the two men last week, made in relation to it an act of vandalism.

Representatives of the African National Congress held jointly with the gallery's press conference at which in turn, announced the failure of the prosecution in connection with the gallery reached a compromise. Director of the gallery on his own behalf and on behalf of the artist's expressed regret that his work has caused "so much pain," a large number of people and assured that the intention of the author and the gallery was not insulting anyone's feelings. Previously, his concern about the situation gallery Minister expressed his country's culture, also expressed their opposition of the Congress of South African Trade Unions. On Monday, causing the sensation of a portrait, after threats from the ruling party, was forced to remove from its website a South African newspaper City Press.

President of South Africa is not the first time since demanding and picky about their image in society and the masses media: he had previously been sued 11 times with the local media, accusing them of libel.

controversial work has provoked public debate and outrage and protest, including those made about two thousand people to come to the streets to defend the honor and dignity of the president, and he himself - to go to court.

obvious that the picture revealed the severity of Murray's racial and cultural contradictions characteristic of South Africa, as many perceived it as a insult to a white artist Afro-American president.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

Source : , ,

Editorial : The scandal seems to be repaid, and to borrow an image in the media once again nothing. In Russia, a controversial work of no stranger. But such an ambitious, if not cocky, "recipe" for making them both at once do not even remember: a textbook image of "leader of world proletariat" with poster 47-year-old, established in 9000 kilometers from South Africa, plus a textbook style, "the father of pop art ', took shape around the same time, just on another continent and another three thousand miles away from Pretoria, than Moscow, plus the name - not some abstract "leader", for example, as the head of state, well, plus a banal image of genitalia . Still, appropriation art, though based on other people's, but his own, and here as do not shout, "Author!" In response to the silence ...

Elena Vladimirova, AI

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