Art Investment

Because of the "disastrous financial situation of the" father of Hollywood producer, has helped to sell the fake Picasso

Jack Kavanagh in collusion with the director of the Los Angeles gallery misled his own friend, who posted a fake $ 2 million
The work of pseudo-Picasso's
work of pseudo-Picasso's "Woman in Blue Hat": blatant forgery. Source: Jack Kavanagh (Jack Kavanagh), father of the head of Relativity Media Ryan Cavanaugh (Ryan Cavanagh) (producer of the film "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"), by a court to pay 250,000 dollars in fines in connection with his participation Sales of fake Picasso's "Woman in Blue Hat" (supposedly created by a master in 1902). According to the jury, which issued a recent decision, Kavanagh cheated when advised his friend Victor Sands (Victor Sands) to get a fake, for which he received 800,000 dollars from selling the work of the Los Angeles gallery Chateau Allegre. In court Kavanagh and his wife in his own defense referred to the financial distress (their house is worth $ 3.5 million laid) and the fact that his son no longer support them last summer.

In addition to the relatively small penalty, the jury assigned to the defendant to pay the injured Victor Sands 3.2 million dollars in financial compensation, but the defendant asked to reduce this amount to one million, putting the rest of it on the shoulders of the dealer actually sells it to a friend, and a fake.

However, the decision of the court remained unchanged, and the gallery director to serve another sentence: it was previously sentenced to five years probation and community service - once admitted that it has created the instigation of a restorer, "version" Picasso's 1902 pastel "Woman in Blue Hat", which later for $ 2 million it sold the affected Victor Sands.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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