Not all of the work of Warhol, that with red lips
The experts on the works of Warhol and members of the artist's family believe that was bought at a garage sale for a pittance figure can not be the work of a minor, Andy. Previously, the media claimed the opposite
The figure ascribed to 10-year-old Andy Warhol
Source: In early April, the media reported the discovery of a wonderful businessman and collector Andy Fields (Andy Fields): at a garage sale, he bought the picture, a picture which was later found with the signature of Andy Warhol . Picture a man with red lips (as expected, the singer Rudy Valley), according to a certain expert, was the work of the 9-10-year-old Andy Warhol. So, bought for $ 5 the work is actually worth about $ 2.1 million. Figure called the forerunner of pop art, and even exhibited in the gallery of Royal West of England Academy in Bristol.
But it looks like a sensational discovery was nothing more than a newspaper canard. Leading experts on the works of Warhol and the artist's family members believe was bought at a garage sale for a pittance image can not be the work of a minor, Andy. The author of two books about Warhol, Patrick Smith (Patrick Smith) believes that the picture has nothing to do with the rest of the work of Warhol. None of his early paintings are not like this, and quite unlike the signature looks. He was echoed by other uorholoved, Thomas Kidrovski (Thomas Kiedrowski). In his opinion, this is not the best quality fake. Brother of the late artist Warhol Paul agrees with the experts. He said that from the beginning is not convinced by Fields.
There is some evidence that work is not in favor of the owner of "treasures". Fields, for example, argued that the figure was presented to Warhol kind of nurse, but the artist's family members believe that there is no nanny with the same name, the boy was not.
Prepared by Mary Onuchina , AI
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