Art Investment

Vandals desecrated the ancient mosaics in Israel

In the ancient city of Tiberias, Israel Synagogue Vandals izrisovali and beaten with hammers IV century mosaics. Ultra-Orthodox Jews suspected of condemning the archaeological excavations in the Jewish burial ground

in the Israeli city of Tiberias on the Sea of ​​Galilee in the night from Monday to Tuesday vandals desecrated the ancient synagogue mosaics III - IV centuries. Mr. Oe. Mosaics in the Archaeological National Park Hamat Tiberias considered one of the most beautiful and best preserved mosaics of the period. So far no one has claimed responsibility for the incident.

In an act of vandalism is suspected ultra-Orthodox Jews (haredim so-called), condemn ( sometimes very aggressively) archaeological excavations in the Jewish burial ground. Employees of the Office of the Israeli Antiquities Authority said that had previously received threats in the address of the haredim.

The synagogue Hamat Tiberias in the unique mosaics depicting the signs of the zodiac, the menorah and palm branches were made a big hole Many pieces of the puzzle have been split off, supposedly, a pickaxe. Other mosaics were izrisovany blue paint. On the masonry near the synagogue were written statement of the Hebrew. One of the inscriptions reads "for every desecrated the grave," and the other - "for Shuki." Most likely, the vandals had in mind Shuku Dorfman (Shuka Dorfman), Office of Director General of Antiquities of Israel.

In addition to the National Park Hamat Tiberias, acts of vandalism were committed in other archaeological sites.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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