Art Investment

In preparation for the exhibition of Henry Moore Gallery, Larry Gagosian in London had to break down a few walls

This was done to ensure that large-scale works of sculpture, usually standing in the open air, could easily fit in the room

Henry Moore sculpture" Two great shape "in the natural environment
«Two great shape" in Larry Gagosian Gallery in London


To deliver the work of Henry Moore (Henry Moore) «Two great shape," 1966 Gagosian Gallery in London, needed a crane and group of broad-shouldered workers. The two colossal statues, though hollow, weighing each of the three and a half tons - they become part of the exposure Moore "Late larger forms," ​​which will begin in the gallery next week. To the greatest exhibits were inside, workers had to break down a few walls, before the opening of the exhibition will restore the wall, and then disband when the exposure, they will again have to disassemble. To bring, to unload exhibits, set in place using a crane had to severely thought-out manner, so that they are not cluttering the passage.

sculpture "Two great shape" was first exhibited in the room. Typical of her place - in the open in the former estate of the sculptor Perry Green, in the land of her holding a special steel clamps.

exhibition at Gagosian Gallery in charge of Anita Feldman (Anita Feldman), curator of the Henry Moore Foundation .

English sculptor Henry Moore died in 1986, more than anything, he is known for its large semi-abstract works in bronze, which veiled the outlines of human figures. The first solo exhibition was held by Henry Moore in 1928 in London, and by the end of the 1940s, Moore became one of the most celebrated British artists, and in 1948 even won a prize of the Venice Biennale.

The exhibition will be held later Moore Sculpture Gagosian Gallery in London from May 31 to August 18, 2012.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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