Art Investment

In English, Yayoi Kusama's autobiography came out

The book tells about the origins of creativity and hard way to success

The American edition of his autobiography Yayoi Kusama
Yayoi Kusama at age 7

book is well-known Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama (Yayoi Kusama), entitled "Network Infinity : Yayoi Kusama's autobiography "was published in English, published by University of Chicago Press. This is partly a memoir, part autobiography, and in many respects - a critical monograph and the author's artistic manifesto. The book is a criticism against the Japanese society, which is small, in the opinion of the artist, supports contemporary art, as well as an explanation of the origins of the bizarre creativity Kusama, who comes from a fixation which began to pursue her in childhood mental disorders.

interesting landmarks and artistic career Kusama: From a letter requesting the board of the Georgia O'Keeffe (Georgia O'Keefe) before moving to New York in 1957, where the artist lived in poverty, experiencing periodic bouts of illness, before the first recognition and subsequent return to his homeland, where her achievements in the field of contemporary art is very controversial conservative compatriots were perceived.

In 1977 Kusama voluntarily lives in a psychiatric hospital, but every day going to work in his studio, located across the street. In addition to his art, she also writes novels with long, convoluted names, and it seems still quite confident that all the same place as an artist, despite the international recognition and passing now in the Tate Modern retrospective .

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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