Art Investment

Turkey wants to take away from Harvard University Zion Treasure

Turkish authorities say that one of the most important collections of Byzantine silver church plate fell into the Museum of Harvard University, Damberton Oaks illegally

the discus with a cross. Byzantium, the middle of the VI century
Silver gilt, niello. 58,5 x 58,5
One of the things Sion Treasure, which requires Turkey to return at the Museum Damberton-Oaks

Turkish authorities claim that one of the most important collections of Byzantine silver church plate Hit the Museum of Harvard University, Damberton Oaks illegally. Turkey wants to return about 40 items from the so-called Zion treasure found in Asia Minor in 1963. This dish, candlesticks, crosses and other religious items. The rest of the treasure kept in the Museum of Antalya (about 10 pieces). Several works, according to some reports, are in private collections.

This is the final list of artifacts, which Turkey wants to return to American museums. Previously published lists of controversial works from the collections of Metropolitan Museum of Art , Cleveland Museum of Art and J. Paul Getty Museum .

There is little doubt that Zion treasure was discovered in the course of illegal excavations and smuggling was subsequently exported abroad. In 1963 in Switzerland, bought it from a dealer zakos George (George Zakos) collector, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss (Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss). In the same year it bought in Switzerland donated 40 items to the Museum Damberton-Oaks. Dealer zakos often mentioned in connection with the activities of the black market artifacts - he, for example, supplied the items to another scandalous dealer Robert Hecht.

Turkey first applied to the Museum Damberton-Oaks to return the Zion artifacts in 1964. However, numerous requests have gone unanswered. Now begins a new round of fighting for the treasure.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI


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