Art Investment

Legacy of Man Ray $ 20 million dollars is stored in the garage on Long Island

Around 4500 the legendary surrealist works belong to the family of his late wife. Interest in the collection of Centre Pompidou show, the Getty Research Center and the Smithsonian Museum
Man Ray

artist's wife Juliet Man Ray

One of the greatest photographers of the last century - Man Ray (Man Ray), impressed on their shots," the era of jazz, "and its heroes, died in Paris 30 years ago, but his legacy is now stored in the automotive shop on Long Island in New York. There is also the Foundation and Man Ray, who is the 16 safes, which contained approximately 4500 works of legendary author. Among them - the Dadaist and surrealist artist's photographs muse, Kiki of Montparnasse with, as well as a diverse surroundings and objects that Man Ray used to create his legendary photographs and radiographs (photographic images, created without the aid of the camera). This amazing collection, which is estimated at 20 million dollars, the heirs of Man Ray's plan to sell in private museums.

Fund Man Ray founded the artist's wife, Juliet, but with her death the whole legacy of her husband was transferred to possession of her family, before that did not related to the art world. Today, when the prices of works of art grow more and more heirs of artists realize how lucky fell to their lot. Today in the U.S. about 300 art funds, twice as much as it was 16 years ago. Some of them - are important players in the market. For example, a rare work of Alexander Calder (Alexander Calder) appears on the market without the approval of his grandson, Sandy Rover (Sandy Rower).

Fund managed by Man Ray Juliet Man Ray's brother, Eric Brauner (Eric Browner), who is now 86 years old. Brauner himself and his brothers just seen an artist, but today they dispose of copyrighted works and 15,000 watched the execution of contracts, bearing about 300 thousand dollars a year, according to one of them, for example, the company produced T-shirts with pictures of the legendary Zara wizard. Revenue Fund are distributed among the heirs of his wife of almost a dozen of Man Ray.

Eric Brauner was negotiating the sale of the archive with Man Ray Paris Pompidou Center and the Smithsonian Museum of American Art in Washington. However, both the museum has not yet found the opportunity to pay a $ 20 million - is in the same amount in 2007 was rated the artistic heritage of the family old auto mechanic from Long Island. In the purchase of the collection is also interested in the Getty Research Center, the curator who recently attended an impromptu fund an artist in the garage.

prices of the surrealists today are coming up, and with them the prices for the work of Man Ray. Two years ago, Sotheby's has updated the record of Man Ray: $ 2 million for his work "Beautiful weather." May 30th will be another test for the price levels of the artist: at the auction in Paris, Sotheby's will present the work of Man Ray's "Two Faces" is almost the same price. The seller acquired the photo ten years ago at Sotheby's auction for 425,000 dollars, so that the benefits are obvious. Among the major collectors of works of Man Ray - John Pritzker (John Pritzker), who owns a classic 1933 work, "Glass Tears" - the first photo, overcome the price level of one million dollars. Collector from New York, Rose Jacobs (Roz Jakobs) belongs to a masterpiece of Man Ray "The Violin of Ingres' 1924 - the image of a nude with Kiki of Montparnasse, taken from the back. According to a New York dealer Peter McGill (Peter MacGill), he could easily sell religious pictures, and for $ 3 million.
However, not all experts agree with the estimate of the collection Brauner, some believe that its value does not exceed six million dollars. The biggest concern of art historians is the fact that the collection could be sold piecemeal, whereas for researchers it is of value only as a single collection, a unique holistic archive.

In 1995, the Fund has sold about 550 works of Man Ray at the Sotheby's auction in London for 5.9 million dollars. However, in addition to remaining in the hands Browner collection is estimated at 20 million dollars belonging to the family of the rights to images created by Man Ray, estimated to be a good amount, namely 10 million. Although the family and intends to sell Browner in the short term work itself, with rights to the images, which expire in 2046, they are not going to leave.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI


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