Art Investment

Every tenth figure of Caspar David Friedrich in the world's museums attributed incorrectly

Such conclusion was a German art historian, who carefully examined in the collections of various museums in works attributed to the artist

Landscape with ruins of the Berlin meeting of the Cabinet of engraving, previously attributed to Caspar David Friedrich. Source:

Pictures of German romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich (Caspar David Friedrich) is difficult to confuse with other works authors. In his works in a very recognizable style shows typical plots: filled with sadness seascapes, lonely grave crosses, lost somewhere in the mountains, snow-covered ruins of churches ... the famous artist's works are in the world's best museums, but not so long ago, it became clear that not all of them were actually created by Frederick.

over a hundred graphic works of Frederick - drawings, sepia, watercolors, located in the famous museums, including the engraving in the collection of the Berlin office (Kupferstichkabinett), at the not actually belong to the master arm and hand. This discovery made the German art Grummt Christina (Christina Grummt), which is preparing a new catalog of Friedrich studied more than 1,000 of his works from the collections of several art institutions. As a result, Grummt found that at least 115 works in pencil, ink and watercolor attributed to the artist is wrong. The authorship of the work caused a further 28 from a specialist doubt. But every cloud has a silver lining: besides the fact that art separated, so to speak, the wheat from the chaff, it also revealed a hitherto unknown works of 16 famous romantic artist.

Now, as a result of work done by Christina Grummt work, changes in their exhibition catalogs, and have to make to museums in Berlin, Dresden, Budapest, Vienna, New York, as well as the hometown of Frederick - Greifswald.

Engraving office in Berlin was the owner 15 works, of which the attribution of Friedrich Grummt denied or questioned. The museum director Heinrich Schulze Altkappenberg (Heinrich Schulze Altcappenber) reacted to what has happened philosophically: "It's natural results of research that advances the science forward," - he said. Studies have raised doubts about the work will continue, said the publication Berliner Kurier.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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