Art Investment

Ai Weiwei has filed a lawsuit against the Chinese tax

Internal Revenue Service has not provided evidence of dissident artist, his alleged guilt

According to Reuters, Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, a dissident (Ai Weiwei) sued the Internal Revenue Service in Beijing. According to the artist's tax violated the law by imposing on it a fine of 15 million yuan ($ 2.4 million ) for tax evasion , without giving the artist is no evidence or testimony, evidence of his guilt.

Supporters of the artist has previously stated that, as his last year's 81-day detention , which caused worldwide outrage, Taxation Aya - is an attempt of the authorities to silence one of the the loudest opponents of the regime existing in the country.

54-year-old artist turned to the Beijing court to review the refusal of tax authorities of the Chinese capital to consider his appeal of a fine for non-payment of taxes imposed on the company Beijing Fake Cultural Development Ltd, an employee of which he is formally listed. The Company creates products Aya.

According to the artist, in all proceedings against his company is constantly attended by a violation of the law. Earlier, a lawyer Pu Zhiqiang Company (Pu Zhiqiang) told Reuters, that the government last July, held a closed hearing, and so did not show him any documents showing that the firm does have tax problems.

Back in late March, authorities said Ayu, that an open hearing on the revision of the penalty imposed on him will not. Hail to the authorities called the decision "unthinkable" and continues to insist that he is being persecuted for political, not economic reasons.

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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