Anniversary of Irina Antonova
Today is congratulated Irina Antonova - art historian, director of the Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin

Irina Antonova
Today, March 20, anniversary notes
documentary «Memoirs» (March 20, 20:40) - is a monologue by Irina Antonova of the time and about himself. "Over the years I have increasingly beginning to realize how mean a lot for children and youth in my life, how it developed and how I live it today" - Antonov said.
She was born March 20, 1922 in Moscow, in a family where everyone loved art in all its manifestations. At the end of the 1920s, her father was sent to a trade mission to Germany where Irina learned German and read the original Goethe, Heine, Schiller. When the Nazis came to power, the family returned to Moscow, which was then a very controversial city - it was the start of reprisals. Fortunately, her father passed this cup, but According to Antonova, "we have always stood suitcase with warm clothes." After school, Antonov admitted to the Institute of Philosophy, literature and history, but his studies interrupted by the war: "When I learned about the war, was woe, but I was exhilarated and I entered in the great days of history, I felt the strength of fate. It was a feeling of readiness for the heroic deed, absolute confidence in victory and the desire to do something for her. "Antonov graduated from the training of nurses and went to work at the hospital. day she studied at the Moscow State University (the institute connected with the University) and worked at night: "It was a very severe school. Although I was not at the front, but saw very cruel face of war - wounded young children. My young classmates, military conscription, almost all were killed." After graduating from MSU in 1945 she was invited to work in the State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin, and so happened that she stayed there forever. Since 1961, Irina Antonova, the head of this one of the largest museums in Russia and the world.
«My whole life was connected with the Museum, and I do not regret it - said Antonov in a program « Life Line » (March 23, 22:35) . - Museum - creating a fantastic, amazing body, especially a museum where I work, where in front of you passes the entire world history of art - from ancient Egypt to the present day. This gives everyone who works for a long time in the museum as I think a special internal dimension: he relates himself to the world ».
When Antonova have implemented the idea of expanding the museum - there were Impressionist Museum, the Museum of Private Collections, Children's Center. More than thirty years held in the Pushkin famous all over Moscow, "December Nights", conceived even with Sviatoslav Richter. years of stagnation in the Museum of thunder is no less than Taganka Theater. It was a window into the world. All Moscow has sought to Pushkin to see the world's masterpieces. "All major museums around the world have passed through our halls at Volkhonka "- says the Antonov. the first time in the Soviet Union, she began to organize a" mixed "exhibition, allowing visitors to compare how the domestic masters appear in the context of world culture," Moscow - Berlin "," Moscow - Paris ',' Cezanne and Russian avant-garde. "On every show, taking place within the walls of the Pushkin Museum, one can say that it is - unique. Soviet system fell, but the line remained in the museum - and many years ago, thousands of people aspire to become part of the event, which organizes the Pushkin Museum.
March 20 at 17:00 in its author's program «The Fifth Dimension. Favorites» , Irina Antonova, talk about work of one of the most famous representatives of the artistic avant-garde of the XX century by Marc Chagall.
21-22 March at 17:00 in «Fifth Dimension" will discuss the exhibition "Picasso. Moscow. From the Collection of the National Picasso Museum in Paris." This exhibition includes works from different periods of Picasso, beginning with his early experiments and ending with the philosophical creations of the last years of his life.
autumn of 2011 Pushkin Museum. Pushkin introduced the ambitious exhibition - eleven masterpieces of genius rebel and a reformer of art by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. the first time in Russia and for the first time outside of Italy in one exhibition space is represented by a number of works Caravaggio. about this exhibition, Irina Antonova Aleksandrovana tell the program «The Fifth Dimension» March 23 at 17:00.