Art Investment

Chinese underside of love for the beautiful

The current high demand for Chinese art is caused not only a love of beauty and desire to make profitable investments. The work of art in China, the website, it is also a tool for corrupt
lotus flower and mandarin ducks

works of traditional Chinese art have become a profitable tool for both Western and Asian investors for. Every spring and autumn on the Chinese auction auction houses Sotheby's, Christie's China Guardian and flied a huge number of buyers. In the auction world, China's on everyone's lips three names: Datsyan Zhang (Zhang Daqian) (1899-1983), Fu Baoshi (Fu Baoshi) (1904-1965) and Qi Baishi (Qi Baishi) ( 1864-1957). They are a sort of Jackson Pollock (Jackson Pollock), Vincent van Gogh (Vincent van Gogh) and Pablo Picasso (Pablo Picasso) Chinese art, and their work always find buyers. This year's Zhang Datsyan and does become a leader in profitability among the world's artists, ahead of Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso .

In some cases, works of art have a special role. In the Chinese language has a special word "yahuey" or "elegant corruption," which indicates the kind of corruption, where bribery act in the role of art treasures - antiques paintings, works of traditional Chinese calligraphy, etc.

Background rooted in the era of Ming (1368-1644). Then the graft, as well as his "artistic" version of the famous Prime Minister Jan Sun (Yan Song) (1480-1567) and his son Jan Shifan (Yan Shifan) (1513-1565). When the emperor had confiscated their property and land, was discovered more than 6000 paintings and works of Chinese calligraphy, most of whom were subject to bribery .

reasons for the popularity of this type of bribery few. First, hold prestigious works of art. Second - effective: artistic values ​​over time can grow significantly in price. And the main thing: bribery of this kind is much more difficult to track down and punish yourself like a "deal" contribute to money laundering. Most of these transactions appear fake work, since they are now in China a lot. So, counterfeiting has become a serious business landscape Zhang Datsyanya: to create a fake sometimes involving several specialists acting on the principle of strict "division of labor." consistently engaged in different masters: the image of trees, the image of water; coloring work; fake characters, fake signatures, placing the work in the frame; aging of the product.

The very model of corruption "elegant bribes", according to the site, according to one of the following scenarios:

1. corrupt official, selling fake work involved in the fraudulent scheme gallery. Then the briber buys the product at a specified price, to which are added to the commission. In this case all the parties know that the work is a fake.

2. briber puts a real expensive piece in the gallery. Gallery, in turn, greatly underestimates the price of the work. briber buys a product with high profit, and may later sell it at fair prices.

3. briber officer brings a genuine or forged artwork as a gift. After a time is a stranger allegedly willing to work with this officer to buy. The buyer, who is frontman giver, gets the job for a large sum. (This option allows you to "save" to "commission" Gallery of the intermediary).

4. The scheme involving the auction house: a payer supplying a fake certificate of authenticity and gives its official, who then sells it at auction for more money. Nominating top price buyer - frontman briber. Auction House informed of developments and receives generous remuneration.

Prepared Estrova Maria, AI

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