Art Investment

Helsinki will get his Guggenheim Museum

Hoping to "Bilbao effect" of the power of the Finnish capital in early 2011 asked the Guggenheim Foundation with a request to build their branch of the museum. After a year's analysis of the project the Foundation has agreed to

January 10, 2011 Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation has made an official statement saying that in the Finnish capital will be built museum named after the famous American philanthropist. On the proposal to build a branch of the Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki mayor turned to the fund in January 2011. On the feasibility of the project on 190 pages of the Finnish authorities had spent $ 2.5 million.

As a result, the board of trustees of the Guggenheim Foundation decided it was time to revive the cultural life of the Nordic and Baltic regions, and Finns love to innovate, design and advanced technology to facilitate this. Such a museum will certainly attract many tourists. It will be temporary exhibitions of contemporary art, including from Russian museums. The museum will become a center of attraction for other cultural institutions in the city, as well as a great base for a variety of social events. The mode of its operation will be extended, and visitor access to certain parts of the exhibition is free.

City Council must approve the Helsinki 180,000,000th project (in U.S. dollars) in February this year. If everything goes smoothly, the museum was not built in 2017 (according to Bloomberg - 2018). The total area of ​​the museum, which plans to build on the waterfront in the city center on the former ship terminal will be about 1.2 hectares, of which 0.39 acres will occupy exhibition area.

Guggenheim Foundation already built a few branches of famous New York museums around the world, including in Germany (Berlin), Italy (Venice), Spain (Bilbao). Branch in Bilbao dramatically increased the influx of tourists in this Spanish city (from the day it opened in 1997 it was visited by 10 million people), which gave rise to the notion of "Bilbao effect". At the moment, another Guggenheim Museum erected in Abu Dhabi.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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