Art Investment

Tracey Emin will be teaching drawing at the Royal Academy of Arts

Along with Emin appointment to teaching positions at the prestigious school got an artist Fiona Rae and the sculptor Richard Wilson
Treysi Tracey Emin

BBC reports that the famous British artist Tracey Emin (Tracey Emin) was invited to become a teacher figure at the Royal Academy of Arts. Emin is best known to the public for his installations, in particular the famous work "My Bed" as well as neon-graffiti "signs", but got exactly the greatest recognition of her drawings. In his trademark style of graphic artist recently performed one of the posters Paralympic Games 2012 , in which she portrayed two birds kissing touching.

< p class = "mat1"> «I'm happy after a long hiatus to begin teaching again, - said Emin in a press statement. - I hope to make a constructive contribution to the educational process at the Royal Academy of Arts».

poster Tracey Emin for the Paralympic Games - 2012
Source: bbc .

Emin appointment was approved at the last week meeting of the members of the Academy. The meeting also appointed well-known artist Fiona Rae (Fiona Rae), a colleague Emin on a group of "Young British Artists," an instructor of painting and the painter and sculptor Richard Wilson (Richard Wilson) - as an instructor of sculpture.

Emin and Ray became the first female teacher in the history of the Academy, a school founded by order of King George III in 1768. Ray told the BBC, which, in its view, due to the current academy personnel decisions "made a huge step forward from the XVIII century XXI». According to her, meeting held last week, was "one of the most important events in the history of the Academy," and she "unbelievably happy" as his own appointment and the appointment of Tracey Emin. Ray also said that members of the Academy voted to change its charter in order to continue to exclude any possibility of discrimination based on sex.

Tracey Emin works in a variety of techniques, from embroideries, watercolors and sculpture to video , animations and installations. Although Emin recognized author and at home and abroad, her creativity is sometimes controversial. In this regard, Eliza Bonham-Carter, head of educational department of the Academy of Fine Arts, had to stand up for Emin: Bonham-Carter said that done in the "spontaneous" style drawings of the artist "is often incorrectly interpreted as inept." Meanwhile, explained Bonham-Carter, pictures Emin deliberately created in such an "informal", "everyday" manner.

TREYSI Tracey Emin XXX

Sorokavosmiletnyaya artist was born in London, but her childhood was spent in the resort town of Margate. Amin graduated from the Royal College of Art and became known in 1990 as a member of "Young British Artists." The first exhibition Tracey Emin at the Academy of Arts was held in 1997: it was shown one of its most famous works - a tent embroidered with the names of her sexual partners. The work is called "All the people I have ever slept. 1963-1995 »(BBC adds juicy details: the tent was embroidered name 102).

In 1999, Emin was nominated for the Turner Prize with the installation" My Bed ", at the same time was number of exhibitions abroad.

appointment to a teaching position at the Academy of Fine Arts was a nice finale of an already successful year for the artist: her retrospective was held in the Gallery Hayward, an exhibition of her work opened margeytskaya gallery Turner Contemporary Gallery, and one of her neon installation was installed in the Prime Minister's residence on Downing Street 10 . We also learned that Eminem will be one of the celebrities who will perform the traditional guest editor of "Today" on radio station BBC Radio 4 during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Prepared Maria Estrova, AI

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