Art Investment

The British government imposed a temporary ban on the export of the painting Edouard Manet

"Portrait of Miss Claus" will remain on the Foggy Albion until February, and if there are willing to collect the necessary sum for his ransom - 28 million pounds, and further
< strong> Edouard Manet Portrait of Mademoiselle Klaus
Source: uk

British government imposed a temporary ban on the export of unfinished work of the French impressionist Edouard Manet (Edouard Manet). «Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus" was established in 1868 year. In 1884, after the death of Man, it was acquired by living in the UK American artist John Singer Sargent (John Singer Sargent), and since then the work is on the Foggy Albion.

Such a decision Government provides the last opportunity to collect the funds needed to work remained in the country. The decision was taken in the wake of the recommendations of the Committee to review decisions on exporting from the country's art and cultural heritage. Libson Committee member Lowell (Lowell Libson) said "Man, one of the greatest artists of the XIX century, greatly influenced the development of Impressionism, as this picture shows his ability to make innovative elements into the fabric of historical references and allusions».

term ban export paintings expires in February, but may be extended until August, when a certain person or group announces the "serious intention" to collect the necessary sum for the purchase of a portrait of 28.35 million pounds.

< em> Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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