Art Investment

"Eccentric, appreciate the Russian Art"

Artists to remember Norton Dodge, the creator of the largest collections of art of Russian non-conformist
Norton Dodge in New York, 2008

In vozraste 84 years skonchalsya Norton T. Dodzh, the creator of the world's largest kollektsii sovetskogo nonkonformistskogo art. In the mid-1990s godov OH ego and wife Nancy gave her a gift to the museum by Zimmerli, opened in 1966 on the campus of Rutgers University in New Brunswick (New Jersey). A native of Oklahoma City, Norton Dodge completed doctoral studies at Harvard University and became known ekonomistom, professorom University of Maryland. In his famous collection contains works Anatoly Zverev , Ilya Kabakov , , Oleg Tselkova , Oscar Rabin , Igor Tyulpanov , and many other famous artists.'s unique Russian art enthusiast who knew him personally remember artists and art experts.

Leonid Juice , artist :

Norton Dodge did a great deal, having collected the largest collection of unofficial art in the Soviet era. What- While he was perhaps the only collector who bought, albeit at a low cost, non-conformist artists in their work, supporting them so materially. We met in the 77th, when I have a workshop was held in Moscow underground exhibition . He was a complicated, with some oddities, quirks. Once told me that he had several hobbies, one of which - the gathering of Russian art. He was engaged in environmental activities, had a farm, producing wine. One day, being at my house , he asked the empty bottle, explaining that he was going to have to pour your wine. When I moved to America in 1979, Dodge bought me almost all the work that I could take out of the Soviet Union. He gave money to an important exhibition in New York Museum, which proved that the Russian Sots Art was not kitsch, as it tried to present some of the galleries and serious art direction. The fact that he gave the entire collection to the museum Zimmerly was a nice gesture and generous. While one can argue about whether the right, as there were options that the most interesting of the collection could come to a meeting of one of the best museums in New York.

Jane Sharp, a professor at Rutgers University and a research curator Dodge < /strong>:

Dodge was passionate about his main business - the collections. He helped the artists for a long time and helped to popularize the art of the Soviet time, which existed outside the formal parameters. It is crucial that he began to collect these things in the early '60s, after the scandal perpetrated by Khrushchev at the art show in the Arena. He formed a collection for a very long time. He is deeply versed in the art, and emerged as a result of the world's largest collection of Russian non-conformist. Dodge was the smartest and sharp man, with a fantastic sense of humor. With him was extremely nice to deal with. He understood how difficult it is to explain the peculiarities of the West of Russian art, and knew how to do it like no other. Dodge has experienced great disappointment when trying to place his collection in one of the great American museums, including New York, met with indifference and rejection. He offered to sell some work, but he insisted on maintaining the collection as a whole. The fact that he gave as a result of a collection of the Museum Zimmerli, it was amazing and at the same while logical, since it preserves the integrity.

Tatiana Kolodzei, art fund Kolodzei :

I met Norton Dodge in 1974 in Moscow, when he asked me for help in selecting works of nonconformist artists for your collection. I admired his enthusiasm and dedication throughout this time ... Man - The Collector - The Museum. bright personality!

Kolodzei Natalia , an art fund Kolodzei:

In 1992, Norton Dodge invited me to his estate in Maryland, where I spent six months helping him with the annotation and attribution of his collection. While he was in the process of transferring his collection, which consisted of more than 25 000 works donated to the Museum Zimmerli. I am sincerely grateful for Norton Dodge provided a special grant and the opportunity Learning at the University of Rutgers.

in our congregation is working and Komar and Melamid «Soul Norton Dodge "(1978-1979) of the project" The Corporation for buying and selling of souls. "In 1978, and Alexander Melamid , arrived in New York, created its first "capitalist" art project - a corporation to buy and sell a shower. At first willing to sell his soul was a little bit. Andy Warhol sold his soul for 0.00 dollars, and Norton Dodge - for 98 cents. Auction of Souls, who were Roshal, Skersis and Don, held in Moscow on May 19, 1979, and was probably the first art auction in the Soviet Union - long before the "Sotheby's" in 1988. At the Moscow auction soul Norton Dodge became the most expensive lot. My mother, Tatiana Kolodzei, bought it for 140 rubles - the amount of the time is large and for the life of Andy Warhol was paid 30 rubles. In 2008, thirty years after selling the soul of Norton Dodge returned to New York and became a symbol of the exhibition "Moscow - New York City. Simultan. From the collection of Kolodzei Art Foundation» at Chelsea Art Museum in New York. Norton Dodge, who came to the exhibition, thanked us for the amazing preservation of the soul.

Vitaly Komar, artist :

Norton Dodge was a man of varied tastes. I remember seeing him at home work of Andy Warhol, whom he also appreciated. But of course, much of his energy and love he gave to Russia. In those years when I met him, me and my Friends called clandestine, unofficial artists, dissidents. We are not exhibited in galleries, we have shown their work in the kitchens. Therefore, there was a famous "bulldozer exhibition" in which I was involved. The work of the it had been destroyed by people in civilian clothes. Norton Dodge in a very difficult time helping my friends and me. It is not very fond of the representatives of official circles, in particular the Ministry of Culture and the Union of Artists, and otherwise sought to defame him. He repeatedly denied visas. I've seen since the beginning of a large eccentric an eccentric who loved Russian art. Went to Russia, spoke with beggars, smelling of alcohol and herring artists. bohemians Moscow was very eccentric, and he is quite fit her. He was rich, Maryland had a huge estate, farm, vineyard, making money difficult work. And it may therefore be quite hard bargain, buying works from Russian artists. In Russian art he understood brilliantly realized in all its subtleties. Now we see that it was a brilliant investment.

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