Art Investment

Andy Warhol is listed in the most financially successful deceased celebrities Forbes

Over the past year who died in 1987, the artist earned $ 6 million

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Last week, Forbes magazine invited readers rating fifteen most financially successful deceased celebrities - people who even after his death continue to earn millions of dollars. Just a list of 15 names. The first three were Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. In the fifth place - John Lennon, and one deceased member The Beatles, George Harrison, - on the 13th. 13th place with Harrison and the American actress Betty Paige shared and the father of pop art, the art of the legendary figure of the twentieth century - Andy Warhol: last year the late artist earned $ 6 million.

Andy Warhol died at age 58 February 22, 1987 from complications arising after surgery. Since then, it took more than twenty years, and the name of the artist during his lifetime he transformed into a brand, continues to serve excellent advertisement of other brands.

ENDI Andy Warhol Flowers
< a style = "display: block;" false; "title = Model of Beach collection Diane Von Furstenberg "> Model of Beach collection Diane Von Furstenberg

So, the fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg (Diane von Furstenberg) manufactures a line of swimwear and beachwear with images created by Warhol, and the company Pepe Jeans London offers a line of clothing inspired by the creativity of the artist. It is interesting that Diane von Furstenberg ( Diane von Furstenberg), not only personally knew Andy Warhol, but also twice appeared on the cover of the magazine was edited by his Interview. There is also a firm "colorful" portrait von Furstenberg created by Warhol. beachwear fashion collection launched in 2008 in collaboration with the Andy Warhol ( The Andy Warhol Foundation).

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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