Harvest time, the art of crime
The current year is full of crimes related to art: something was stolen, but something - found after many years of searching, someone managed to escape from the police, but someone caught red-handed. Site Overview MutualArt about art crimes in 2011
current year has been fruitful for crimes related to art. It is estimated the FBI, the black market of stolen works of art has reached staggering annual amount - $ 6 billion. According to Interpol, the art-crime is in fourth place in the ranking of the most serious criminal activity, following the terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking and financial fraud ahead. Chairman of the Art Loss Register Julian Radcliffe (Julian Radcliffe) in his interview with MutualArt in November last year, said that in its database of stolen works of art around 250 thousand titles, and added that this figure could grow annually by about 10 000.
Mark Lugo, Goran Hadzic, Pierre Le Gennek Source: |
MutualArt site published a review of the art-crime in 2011. Over the past months, works of art shamelessly stole from the museums and galleries, though not always successfully. He was detained a number of criminals while often they find things stolen many years ago. Among the authors whose works are the most "popular" among thieves, in the first place of Pablo Picasso. The Art Loss Register database of his works, by the way, most (November 2010) . In addition, MutualArt mentions in his review of cases related to Nazi crimes - confiscation of works of art or they are sold under duress. On the high-profile disputes restitution this year will be discussed in the second part. Let's see, that was included in the list of major art crimes 2011.
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taste for Picasso
It possible that the actions of the American Mark Lugo, kidnapped July 5 drawing by Picasso from the Weinstein Gallery in San Francisco , explains the kleptomania, or another mental disorder that caused a sick tendency to cover up with black glasses and an obsession with high quality works of art. Lugo's lawyer insists that his client acted under the influence of the kind of obsessive ideas, rather than the cold calculation ("This is not a sophisticated thief, able to conceal the stolen Picasso"), but San Francisco police dared disagree with it. Lugo was arrested after he was identified in the video from surveillance cameras of a nearby restaurant: suitable for a description of a man walking along street with a picture under his arm . Kidnapped drawing "Woman's Head" worth 275,000 dollars was soon found in the suspect's home in New Jersey, and along with it - a small mini-museum of fine works, including another Picasso, presumably stolen from William Bennet Gallery. It turned out that and other works of "Galleries Lugo" were stolen from various institutions during the month. For example, "Composition with mechanical elements" (1917) Fernand Leger $ 350 thousand dollars disappeared from the New York Hotel Carlyle. For Lugo, who tries to deny his guilt, has been appointed pledge $ 5 million. Whoever he was - a cunning thief, or an obsessive collector, one of this "sommelier" will not give up - in artistic taste.
Gift Picasso ... your electrician
all very fond of art by Picasso - and major collectors, and electricians. A Picasso, in turn, favored by his electrician - so that presented a collection of completely unknown works man in charge of lighting. At least, so say Pierre Le Gennek (Pierre Le Guennec) and his wife Danielle (Danielle). Mature French couple has attracted media attention last year when it became known about the collection of 271 works by Picasso, bequeathed to him as "a gift» . Le Gennek, at one time worked as an electrician at the artist kept his numerous "gifts Picasso" in his garage about forty years. Although most of the work lies in a notebook, is in the collection, and several Cubist collage, watercolor and "blue period". "Presents," estimated at between $ 85 to $ 115 million. However, the story seemed suspicious to the donation of the Administration of Picasso, which oversees compliance with the copyright of the artist under the guidance of his son, Claude. A French court later accused spouse "in the possible concealment of stolen goods." Starting from the case, these papers were lost in a vague time after his death, before the official inventory of his collection. Maybe court judges are right: after all, $ 115 million - is too high a price for the wiring. Another thing, if we were talking about car repair mechanic ...
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Thieves gang of Toronto
Some things to do in the pleasant company: tennis, bowling, poker, and, judging by the videos Canadian Fine Arts Gallery in Toronto, large-scale robbery. Police raced after Gallery alarm went off, was horrified to find that lost 11 works amounting to 400 thousand dollars. Camcoder showed the whole company of thieves, pilot lights, and who withdrew from the wall paintings. The fact that criminals are deliberately took the most valuable work, prompting police to believe that this professional thieves who are familiar with the art world. Some of the stolen works were written by representatives of the famous Society Canadian artists' Group Seven "- James McDonald (JEH MacDonald), Alexander Jackson (Alexander Y. Jackson), Casson, Alfred (Alfred J. Casson), Frederick Varley (Frederick J. Varley) and Frank Johnston (Frank H. Johnston). Police have yet to learn the details of video in search of clues theft - suspects yet. However, the thieves also be difficult to sell anything from stolen - burglary was widely reported in Canadian media. As one evaluator, "to sell the stolen thing - it's great luck, except when it comes to stealing to order».
you remove hidden camera!
assertion that the prison can rehabilitate hardened criminals, has once again been questioned in May this year. Gonzalez Calvin (Calvin Gonzalez), has been repeatedly convicted of theft and sitting at in large-scale drug possession and this time decided to try his hand in the field of art. He tried to steal from Manhattan Gallery canvas by Franz Kline's abstract expressionist (Franz Kline) worth 225 000 dollars. On the day he was stolen under the guise of a visitor first walked through the exhibition of Salvatore Skarpitta (Salvatore Scarpitta), and then went into the hall, where hung the work of "black paint" Klein. He just took it off the wall, put in a bag and quietly left the gallery. The staff realized that the work was lost, when Gonzalez had already left the building . But once again came to the rescue of a record from a camcorder: the offender was arrested two days later, he is now in a prison complex "Rikers Island" and the bail can not. Something tells us that the only "black paint" which Gonzalez in the near future time be able to be seen painted numbers on his prison garb.
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He can not help myself: French "iskusstvogolik»
road penalty to $ 3.6 million
When the Milan police in May this year, stopped a speeding car too, it has not done writing down a simple penalty for speeding. Not only that neither the driver nor his passenger had no driver's license - both to the same have been previously convicted. During the search police found in the trunk of a stolen painting by Giorgio Morandi (Giorgio Morandi) worth 300 thousand dollars. Perhaps some clues in the car have guided police to the thieves refuge in France, where they found 12 other stolen works, including portraits of Mao by Andy Warhol, the picture in 1935 Fernand Leger and some other works by authors such as Balthus (Balthus) and Giringelli ( Ghiringhelli). These works are mentioned in the register of stolen works of art Interpol, previously owned by a collection Folon Paola (Paola Folon), the widow of a Belgian actor Jean-Michel Folona (Jean-Michel Folon). About five years ago, they disappeared from her estate. In total, this group of works is estimated at $ 3.6 million, which is undoubtedly more fines for speeding. Needless to say - the driver and passenger were immediately arrested. Anyway, now something so they learn not to exceed the speed.
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stolen altar back forty years
Speed Art Museum in Louisville (KY) returned a three-part altar of the XIV century respective owners. The museum purchased this triptych of 38 thousand dollars in New York gallery in 1973 . However, the buyers had no idea that the work had recently been stolen from an Italian villa, together with 14 other pieces worth $ 33 million. On wings of the altar depicts the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, John the Baptist and St. Catherine (the central part ) crucifix (right valve), and two Saints (left valve). Italian art triptych identified by comparing the photo from the archives of the former owners and photograph the Museum of AIDS. And now forty years later medieval masterpiece returns home after the U.S. government endorsed it Italy. When the sad story of the abduction became known to the altar, the museum director Charles Venabl (Charles Venable) apologized but assured that they were unaware of the true origin of the work. "To be honest, many works of art, especially in old, very complicated and complicated history of existence "- said Venabl. recouped Speed Art Museum in 1973, spent 38 thousand dollars, but it is not clear whether his claim on the altar of the former owners when he returns to the Italian land. suspected of theft in 1971 was still there.
work of Modigliani helped to find a war criminal
criminals sometimes befalls well-deserved punishment. So what happened with Goran Hadzic (Goran Hadzic), Serbian military leader, accused of crimes against humanity during the bloody war in the Balkans and escape justice for fifteen years. In July 2011, in a desperate attempt to get some money, being on the run, decided to sell the stolen Hadzic The works attributed to Amedeo Modigliani (Amedeo Modigliani), and allegedly standing in millions of dollars. By now the police got another Hadzic, and then found a place in the woods, where the offender was hiding and grabbed him. The most interesting thing in this story is that, according to some experts, the picture may well be a fake: "We have suspicions about this particular work, because it was part of a large group of fakes sold to one collector».
Nazi theft
This year there have been several important restitution disputes related to Nazi crimes - confiscation of works of art or they are sold under duress. Recall that in 1998 representatives of 44 countries signed the "Washington situation, "according to which the authorities of these countries pledged to actively promote the return of victims of Nazi genocide and their families once they have stolen works of art. Some countries have signed the" Washington of "this year took an active part in restorative justice proceedings. These were:
- Austria - Commission recommended that the Ministry of Culture of Austria Vienna Albertina Museum back on Restitution of five drawings by Egon Schiele heirs of the Viennese dealer Karl Meylendera (Karl Maylander), was deported in 1941 to a labor camp in Poland. Among the works recommended by the Ministry of restitution, was drawing "The Girl in sunglasses," as well as self-portrait "Eros." Albertina Museum has yet to fulfill the wishes of the Government;
- Germany - perhaps, one of the most bizarre of restitution disputes related to this year's collection of Egyptian antiquities George Shteyndorfa (Georg Steindorff), which sold a scientist at the University of Leipzig in 1937, where at the time worked. In May 2011, the Berlin court ruled that the sale was made under duress, and therefore subject to restitution. Collection of the museum was to convey to the Commission on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), which became the official successor of property of victims of genocide if such property is not to have their right heirs. Restitution collection Shteyndorfa Claims Conference has demanded for the first time in 1990 when the Commission was not yet aware of the heir to Thomas Hemer Shteyndorfa (Thomas Hemer). In this case, the Commission on Jewish Material Claims to artinvestment.ru
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