Tate staff complain about the treatment of superior
13 percent of workers suffer humiliation galleries and abuse at work
Nicholas Serota, the Tate gallery director and one of the halls of the Tate Modern. Source:
Employees Tate Britain gallery accused its leadership in the rough dealing with subordinates. The problem was so urgent that members of the board of trustees of the gallery decided to intervene and discuss the situation with the museum's director Sir Nicholas Serota (Sir Nicholas Serota).
recently from rank and file galleries received many complaints of mistreatment by superiors. vnutrimuzeynye Employees refer to the establishment, under which they work should be provided in the "safe" environment "without the humiliation and discrimination." Board of Trustees of the Tate, whose members are appointed by the Prime Minister (in It includes, inter alia, a TV-top manager Elisabeth Murdoch (Elisabeth Murdoch), the former head of BP, Lord Browne (Lord Browne) and the well-known journalist Lionel Barber (Lionel Barber)) expressed its concern about and complained about the low ethical level employees galleries. For improve the situation, the trustees insist on the need for independent monitors who would have reported what is happening directly to them. Also, the board of trustees proposed a training for executives and special seminars on the issue of respect.
The November report of the company ORC International 2010, Tate Gallery devoted employees, found that 13 percent of 586 employees at least once experienced the humiliation and mistreatment at work. Even then, the trustees for the first time expressed concern about the problem and insisted that, with respect to such behavior management should be the policy of "zero tolerance. "However, since then, apparently, the situation has not changed radically.
no better at working atmosphere and relations between the employees affected also recent study by the UK government cuts in funding of public museums and galleries . Trade unions say the measure has led to staff reductions and reallocation of responsibilities among staff." From Because of this staff at all levels must deal with a large number of responsibilities, which creates additional stress and leads to abuse and conflict ", - believes Alan Leighton (Alan Leighton), head of the trade union Prospect.
In January of this year's Tate Gallery has invited specialists ORC International to draw up an explanatory report on its November report.'s experts concluded in a result that" the level of discrimination [Gallery] did not increase compared with 2006. "spokesman Tait stated that respect for the staff at the gallery is on the same level as in other similar institutions. She added that "cases of humiliation and abuse of staff is totally unacceptable».
< em> Prepared Estrova Mary, AI
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