Branch of the French Louvre Lens will open in 2012
Branch chief in the department of the Museum of French Nord-Pas de Calais will be open seven years after it was announced that its creation

Project in the city branch of the Louvre Lance
At the exit from the station of a provincial French town of Lens passengers encounter large bright shields, announce the imminent opening of the Louvre branch, to be held here next year. Seven years have passed since the government of French region Nord-Pas-de-Calais announced the construction of the branch, and now, after years of delays and inconsistencies, is finally in full swing operation. Branch of the famous museum will be located in a large park. Modern buildings are rectangular and right, designed by a Japanese architectural firm Sanaa, being built of glass and metal and gradually acquire a holistic shape.
Building Museum, the ongoing efforts in the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais and funded by 59 per cent of the local budget, is an important milestone on the path to realizing the idea of decentralization of public art collections. The purpose of the museum in Lens, as well as the branch of the Pompidou Center in Metz (Centre Pompidou à Metz), - to do some major national art collections accessible to a wider range of audience (it is expected that the new arts center in the first year 700 000 people will attend, and will take an average of about 500 000 visitors per year).
Over time, Louvre museum workers waged fierce debate over the list of works that will have to go to the Lance. To date, the list is, but there is a secret. It is known, however, that "Freedom of the barricades," a painting great Eugene Delacroix (Eugène Delacroix), the picture will be the inauguration of the branch, and has already been defined in any of the halls of the picture will be exhibited. In a newly built museum will present a variety of genres of art: sculpture, ceramics, painting. Museum workers promise to bring the paintings of Botticelli, Watteau, Leonardo, Poussin, Buale - a set of names suggests that the branch will be the focus of this masterpiece. Daniel percheron (Daniel Percheron), head of the region, also insisted on the arrival of "Mona Lisa", but his dream come true this is not meant to be. "It's transportable, as well as the Nike of Samothrace" - said Xavier DECT (Xavier Dectot), director of the museum under construction.
Total 900 pictures in three years will live in Lens: "The idea is to exhibit regularly updated," - emphasizes the DECT. In the first year visit the museum will be free to attract more local audience. It is expected that this initiative will pay off in the future: for local authorities is not only culturally but also economically significant project.
In half an hour from Lance soon you'll find another interesting exhibit showing the same trend of decentralization. Fine Arts Museum of Arras (Musée des beaux-arts d'Arras) in 2012, will cooperate with Versailles: the coming spring, it will show 80 works included in the collection of the famous royal residence. "This is a wonderful union of French coal miners and the French genius," - said Daniel percheron (subordinate department in the past was a major center of coal mining). Now percheron has been active in attempts to improve the economic attractiveness of the region, gradually losing its position as the largest industrial center. Cooperation between Versailles and Arras is designed for a ten-year period, all exhibitions will be organized in a special wing for this purpose the Abbey of Saint-Vaast (Saint-Vaast). The first exhibition starting on 17 March next year. It will be presented, in particular, 9 of magnificent royal coaches, as well as paintings, niaprimer "Entry of Louis XIV in Arras» Adam Frans van der Meulen (Adam Frans van der Meulen).
France is not the only European country where such policies are becoming a popular museum. Florence Uffizi Gallery has recently sent 23 of priceless paintings in the south-east Italy, in the town of Santo Stefano di Sessanio, nearly 400 kilometers from the famous capital of the Renaissance. Titian (Titian), Federico Barocci (Federico Barocci) and Giacomo Balla (Giacomo Balla) were placed in very unexpected places: in the old city jail and the former workshops of local artisans. This project is an attempt to revive and revitalize the city, which is going through hard times.
Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI
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