The union against Sotheby's
American technical workers union unhappy with the auction house plans to make changes to their contracts of employment

Technical workers with Sotheby's painting by Ilya Repin
All auction houses have people that have no relation to the multi-million dollar sums paid at auction for works of art, but they ensure the preservation of artistic values , uninterrupted course of trading, and eventually - meet the sellers, buyers and the joy of headlines about the next big deal in the press. These "soldier" - a specially trained work with precious exhibits of technical and service staff.
Earlier it was reported that Company Sotheby's intends to reduce its staff in Italy, and suspend trading for an indefinite period in Netherlands . Now, Wall Street Journal reports on new plans for personnel changes in the American division of Sotheby's. Intentions Administration auction house caused discontent and concern of the workers themselves and their union: technical employees Sotheby's claim that the company wants to profit at their expense, by offering to changes in labor contracts.
Union representatives even had to threaten strike action employer. But first attempt provides a peaceful solution to the conflict: according to the Wall Street Journal, talks with the company were to be held on Monday evening .
difficulties began in early July when the contract expired between the union and the auction house, and the terms of the new parties have been unable to agree. According to the head of one of the New York offices of the trade union of Jason Ida, Sotheby's offers union compensation based on the fact that the company will replace some of the employees in the union, on the other employees. The union, for its part, insists that such cuts are illegitimate. weigh heavily union also believes that innovations to the company's management wants exactly when the auction house is experiencing the second-period profit in its history.
In 2010 Sotheby's turnover increased by 74 percent and amounted to 4.8 billion dollars. Net earnings was equal to $ 161 million, while income managers of the company have soared. President and CEO of Sotheby's William Ruprecht, in 2011, earned a total of $ 6 million, so that compared to the year 2009 his income has increased by 150 percent.
Jason Ide, a former clerk Sotheby's, said that the current state of affairs in the company's management can not take action prejudicial to the interests of workers, such as reducing working hours. If the company will still go for it, then According to Ida, it would jeopardize its "established over the years a good relationship with the union».
«Last year was extremely successful for Sotheby's, and this is evidence of a successful business strategy company. But it is also proof of highly qualified technical personnel and other services - said Ide. - At Sotheby's employs some of our oldest employees. They, like anyone else, know all the details of the treatment with antique furniture, paintings by Picasso, old masters, hold to perfect technology package - so here we are talking about the abolition of their jobs. I think it's just a lack of respect for their labor and skill "- angry Ide.
Representatives of the auction house, in his statement expressed assurance that the parties will be able to find a solution that would suit everyone. spokeswoman Sotheby's Diana Phillips said: "We are ready to spend on the negotiations as long as you need to find a fair meeting the interests of both sides of the solutions, and ensure that our colleagues in the union salary and benefits package appropriate to their merit and worth rewarding their contribution to the success of Sotheby's ».
In April, the trade union technical staff has successfully negotiated with the other major player in the auction market by Christie's, concluding with it for up to 4 years of a contract in which, by September the number of union members in the ranks of the company to grow from 46 to 49 people, and by March 2012 - up to 51 people.
Although the union and threatened to Sotheby's strike, Mr. Eide said that he was personally not a supporter of such measures. "We hope that the company will be able to realistically assess the situation and in the negotiation process, we arrive at a just solution to the problem. We are committed to constructive dialogue," - said Ide.
Prepared Estrova Maria, AI
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