Art Investment

If the will of the owner of a violation, and his heir neglected, then who needs such restitution?

Grandson believes that my grandfather sold the unique collection of free will, and does not pretend to it, however, a lawsuit filed in his stead

illegally removed by the fascists or repurchased under pressure from property of Holocaust victims returned to their rightful heirs. Every day, the new restorative process. Media coverage of these stories willingly. If the case is easily solved for the benefit of the heirs of - honor and praise to the lawyers and the court. If in fact there are delays - press vengeance roars of hungry museums, governments and others.

On rare in history when both major parties restorative dispute - the rightful heir of the property and the museum - were on one side Barricade, described . It happened in the University of Leipzig, where, until now kept a collection of antiquities Shteyndorfa Georg (Georg Steindorff). Shteyndorf was a renowned scientist, who led in 1903-1931 by several archaeological expeditions in Egypt. From its own discoveries and acquired items he has collected a remarkable collection, numbering 163 artifacts, including the 4000-year-old bowl of shit, the ancient clay figurines, ranneislamskuyu ceramics, as well as Greek and Roman objects. In 1937 Shteyndorf sold a collection of the Institute of Egyptology at the University of Leipzig. Items received in the created by him at the Institute for Museum of Egyptology (in 2008 renamed the Egyptian Museum Georg Shteyndorfa). In March 1939 he emigrated to the scientist on forged documents through Bremen to the U.S.. He died in 1950 at age 90.

in Nevada at Lake Tahoe now lives Shteyndorfa heir - his 88-year-old grandson, Thomas Hemer (Thomas Hemer). The fact that the grandfather's collection is located in Leipzig, he always knew. Thomas is not surprised, because George Shteyndorf University tenderly loved. Institute and Museum had been his life "- says Thomas.

Never to Thomas Hemer there is no suggestion to return a collection of University of Leipzig in restitution. He believes that it would be against the will of his grandfather. However, instead it decided to make the Commission on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Kleyms Konferens, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany). This organization, founded in 1951, deals with compensation and restitution of property of Holocaust victims.

After German unification in 1990 of the Holocaust and their heirs encouraged to apply for restitution of lost property in the territory of the former GDR. In this case, the new government by the Commission on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Kleyms Konferens) legal successor of the former owners of such property, if the heirs do not have their rights to it until December 31, 1992. Proving that the property was seized or sold under duress, the Commission could take him by the law of restitution. Money from the sale of these items go to support victims of the Holocaust and their families. At the Commission's website states that the way has already managed to collect over a billion dollars.

Kleyms Konferens concluded that the collection of antiquities was sold Shteyndorfom under duress. About this supposedly indicates underestimated price of the transaction. University scholar has paid RM 8000 (about $ 3200 in those years), while he Shteyndorf priced collection of 10,260 Reichsmark. Hence, in the opinion of the Commission, that the sale was not voluntary.

It remains unclear why the heir to Thomas Hemer kept in the dark about the decision Kleyms Konferens. Executive Vice President of the Commission Schneider Gregory (Gregory Schneider) argues that the existence of an heir, they did not know.

With this bet staff at Leipzig University. They provided the evidence of that in 2006 drew to a Hemer BADV (Bundesamtes für zentrale Dienste und offene Vermögensfragen) - one of the German federal agency in charge in particular, unresolved property disputes left over from the division of Germany. Agency staff requested that the heir to explain the circumstances of the sale a collection of his grandfather. Hemer assured them that the transaction was voluntary. Office has promised to convey this information Kleyms Konferens.

However, contrary to the will of the heir, 26 May, ie Last Thursday, the court acknowledged the Berlin collection Shteyndorfa sold under duress, and recognized the Commission on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany the right to its restitution. This decision has shocked the Thomas Hemer and staff at Leipzig University. The curator of the Egyptian Museum Rahway Dietrich (Dietrich Raue) expresses its deep regret at the decision of the court. "I would have returned a collection of to-morrow, if her turned Thomas Hemer. But he does not, because Shteyndorf, who established this institution, wanted his collection benefited students ».

The cost of collection today, the museum does not have the slightest idea, they never not going to sell it. Curator Dietrich Rahway and the rest can only wait Kleyms Konferens name the amount of compensation for the meeting. Then it becomes clear whether the university will be able to buy it and keep yourself.

material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI

Source: , , artinvestment. ru

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