Art Investment

In Milan, opened the Museum of art of the twentieth century

The exhibition features 400 works by Italian artists

this week in Milan has opened a new museum of art of the twentieth century, Museo del Novecento.

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Visitors meets grand canvas "fourth estate", written in 1898-1902 by Giuseppe Pellizzi yes Volpedo (Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo). This painting, depicting a workers' strike, has become a symbol of Italy of the twentieth century. The following are the work of futurists Giacomo Balla (Giacomo Balla), Carlo Carrà (Carlo Carrà), Gino Severini (Gino Severini) and Ardengo Soffichi (Ardengo Soffici). The exposition covers a decade of Italian painting. Here there are works by Giorgio Morandi (Giorgio Morandi) - master of melancholy still lifes with vases and bottles, you can see the work of Giorgio de Chirico (Giorgio de Chirico). Whole room given to the work Lucio Fontana (Lucio Fontana), known for his paintings, cut with a razor. Just a museum exhibition currently about 400 different works by Italian artists.

Within three years, architects Italo Rota (Italo Rota) and Fabio Fornasari (Fabio Fornasari) were converted into the Museum of Art of the XX century building Palazzo Del Arengario (Palazzo dell'Arengario), built in the fascist era. The New Museum is adjacent to the museum and cultural center of the Palazzo Reale (Palazzo Reale) in the main square of Milan, Piazza del Duomo (Piazza del Duomo). Until February 28, 2011 entry to the museum free.

material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI

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