Creativity of the group "Immediate Photography"
"Immediate Photography", bringing together artists from different generations, appeared in the perestroika period. Each in its own way, they sought to authentically reflect the life which literally raged around them in those years, and defended
In the late 1980's - early 1990's picture has changed substantially. Restructuring has affected not only the livelihoods of the country as a whole, but also the cultural sphere. Publicity and the abolition of censorship allowed photographers to expand the subject of their photographs - and not the idealized image and the reality on the straight-away exploded onto the pictures.
Group "Immediate Photography" was based photographer and artist Alexei Shulgin in 1987 in Moscow. Group members were Alexander Slyusarev , Boris Mikhailov , Igor Mukhin, Ilya Piganov , Vladislav Efimov and Sergei Leontiev. Photographers were not united to one direction or style of shooting. Their vision pictures were determined not ideological stereotypes, and personal aspirations, in contrast to the inertia of socialist realism.
photographer and artist Boris Mikhailov (born 1938) fame brought pictures in the style of social art. He has several series of photographs on the theme of everyday life: "Luriki", "Sots Art", "Red Series". After printing, he toned photographs by hand, especially in red. The author of this color is associated with a Soviet mentality. In pictures Mikhailova private "portraits" the emerging picture of real Soviet life. Initially, Boris Mikhailov, has gained popularity in the West: in the late 1980's interest in the Western public to the changes in Soviet life, helped advance the photographer. In Russia, Mikhailov still not so popular, probably because the lens of his camera most likely to be those whom the respectable society prefers to ignore - the homeless, the poor who have lost themselves and hang down, people.
Nevertheless, the name of the photographer Mikhailova already inscribed in the history of Russian photography. The database of auction sales site ARTinvestment.RU Boris Mikhailov recorded 60 deals, and his work are 3-14 thousand pounds. In 2007, at Phillips de Pury auction picture Mikhailova "Untitled" from the series "Sots Art" was sold for 14,400 pounds. For comparison: in 1991 the work of Mikhailov, "The Child" was sold to the French auction Binoche for 364 pounds.
Alexander Slyusarev (1944-2010), or, as he was known in photographic circles, San Sanych went other way. He dealt with minimalist photography. The basis of his creative practice was fragmentary vision: a minimum of images of the lines, surfaces and forms. He singled out picture frames any track in a fragmented landscape, zooms the part and turned it into a semantic center of the image. Although the photographs Slyusareva auctions until you appear, they are known and recognized by connoisseurs of photographic art, and therefore certainly find its buyer.
name of photographer Igor Mukhin (genus . 1961) is significant for its era. His series of photographs "Youth 1985-89" openly tells about the life and interests of generations of 1980. He is the author of rare footage depicting Victor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and many other musicians of the Soviet underground. Photos Mukhina reflect the mood of the people, and very accurately characterize the era. He continues to work in his style: the photo series about a young generation of 2000's did not concede a series of Youth 1980. He manages to find the hero of his time. Igor Mukhin has been actively involved in the photographic life, his work appears regularly in various thematic exhibitions.
Piganov Ilya (b. 1962) is not only a photographer, but and designer. At the auction of his works are worth about 4000 Euros. Most popular is Piganovu brought a series of photographs "Volume One", which is a collage of repetitive fragments of copyright photos.
In creativity Vladislav Efimov (born 1964) successfully combines individual work with camera in hand and joint projects with Aristarchus Chernyshev, the first of which was released in 1996. In 2008 photowork Efimov, "Fragments of Moscow" was sold at Sotheby's auction for 1875 pounds. Currently Efimov and Chernyshev engaged media art.
Sergey Leontiev (born 1962) is known for a series of photographs' experience with hard pictures "( 1988). Series is a street portrait photography, which are denied by the canons of classic photographs: The author photographed passers-by in a flash, deliberately not keeping any track, nor the basic rules of photography.
fame photographer Alexei Shulgin (born 1963) brought a series of still images "photos of another" (1987), compiled them from anonymous photographs of the production file 1950-60-ies and is designed to prove the minor role of authorship. Subsequently, the organizer and founder of the group walked away from photography. Currently Shulgin engaged in music and media art.
Members of "Immediate Photography" held three exhibitions: "Representation" (1987, Association of the Hermitage, Moscow), "Fotomost" (1989 , avant-garde club, Moscow), "100 Years of Photography" (1989, Manege, Moscow). Each in his own fashion, they sought to authentically reflect the life that literally seethed around them in those years, and defended their right to freedom of expression. The band members looked at photography as a way to "direct" perception of the modern world and the reality. This explains their name.
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