A newly discovered painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder left in the Prado
During the painting will be paid 7 million euros
At the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Prado Museum, chaired by the Minister of Culture of Spain Ángeles González-Sind (Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde) it was unanimously decided to leave the museum picture" Junket in St. Martin's Day "wrist Pieter Bruegel the Elder .
Recall that the picture with a scene of peasants feasting, formerly attributed to Pieter Brueghel the Younger, hit the Prado Museum from a private collection. Picture taken for the restoration, reserving the possibility of further acquisition of the museum. When clearing experts established that the author of paintings is Peter Bruegel the Elder. For now the Museo del Prado give 7 million euros, as stipulated in the agreement on the restoration.
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