Art Investment

"Last Supper" by Giorgio Vasari Restored

Specialists of the Florentine restoration laboratory Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD) will take the restoration of mural by Giorgio Vasari, which has suffered greatly because of the floods in Florence over 40 years ago

Experts Florentine restoration laboratory Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD) will take the restoration of mural by Giorgio Vasari (Giorgio Vasari)« The Last Supper ", had suffered greatly because of the floods in Florence over 40 years ago. Finance the project will be the Ministry of Culture of Italy and the Getty Foundation, which has already allocated for the implementation of 400 thousand dollars.

monumental creation Vasari size of 2,4 to 6,4 meters while in the Florentine Basilica of Santa Croce when in 1966 he poured water and mud from the river Arno. Immediately after the floods have taken the necessary measures to save the mural, but his complete restoration is still not done, because so far there was no technology that would do it. According to head of OPD Kyatti Marco (Marco Chiatti), «the patient is in critical condition, and even now, to bring it to life, to try all the possible restoration of the technology available today. So while no one can say exactly when the "Last Supper" will return to Santa Croce. "Working to be a very subtle and complex" - told Kyatti. Poplar wood, on which is written panels, was heavily damaged, because of what some of the paintings began to retreat, and in some places the surface reared.

Specialists OPD for the first time examined the Last Supper "In 2006, when it benefited from the store. For four years they had spent the diagnosis and analysis of the panel, and only now found it possible to start the restoration.

Giorgio Vasari is best known as the author of "Lives of the most famous painters, sculptors and architects, but it also was a great architect and a painter, one of the leading in Florence. Recently, his name is often mentioned in the media in connection with the protracted deal to sell its archive in Russia .

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