Art Investment

Mariko Mori creates a new project for Ocean

"Solar tower" and "Moonstone" a famous Japanese artist will be established among the waves

Japanese artist Mariko Mori (Mariko Mori), who became famous for its high-tech installations, create a work of land art for the Pacific island of Miyako. The work, called "Primary rhythm", will consist of two parts - "Solar column" and "Moonstone", which was placed on two rocks near the shore.

piece symbolizes the unity of nature and high technology. Each year the winter solstice column will throw a huge shadow, which will pass right through the "Moonstone". In the remaining 364 days, tourists will also be on what to admire: the stone will change color with each ebb and flow. "I want the audience to once again feel the rhythms of the sun, moon and sea, and united with the universe that exists inside every human being," - says the artist.

Miyako is located approximately 300 kilometers from large island of Okinawa. So far, nobody knows when there will be a work of Maury.

Source: , artinvestment . ru

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