Art Investment

Canadian gallery owners continue to uphold the purity of the art market

Henry Moore sculpture stolen in 2001 from the New York galleries, discovered galeristka Miriam Schill from Toronto

In Canada, found another piece of art stolen from New York. This is a small bronze sculpture by Henry Moore (Henry Moore) «Reclining figure of three parts: Model № 4 (1975), who was abducted in 2001 from the gallery, whose name is not disclosed. Last week, a young man brought her Schill Miriam (Miriam Shiell), owner of Gallery Miriam Shiell Fine Art in Toronto, stating that he had received it by inheritance. However, no documents on the sculpture, according to Schill, he was not.

Galeristka send inquiries to the organization Art Loss Register, collects data on stolen or missing art works, as well as the Fund Henry Moore. She found out that the sculpture, valued at 80 thousand dollars, was stolen from New York nine years ago.

Recall that recently gallery owner from Montreal discovered painting by Paul Klee, stolen in 1989 from the New York gallery Marlborough, and handed it to the American police . No one has been arrested on suspicion of either theft investigations are continuing. The stolen works of art, as a rule, pass through the hands of several owners, before they can be detected. Therefore, according to Miriam Schill, addressed to her young man "could buy the sculpture is legal. "Still, since the theft of nine or ten years, it is likely that he simply did not know" - she said.

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