Art Investment

Exhibition Kim Nikolayevich Britova

Yesterday, Vladimir Oblast Center of Fine Arts hosts personal exhibition of Kim Nikolayevich Britova. The exhibition, prepared for the 85-year anniversary of the artist, became a posthumous

Yesterday, January 12, 2010, in Vladimir Oblast Center of Fine Arts hosts personal exhibition of one of the founders of the Vladimir school of landscape Kim Nikolayevich Britova . The exhibition was planned as the Jubilee (for 85-years), but the sudden death of the artist for a few days before its opening has made this exhibition in post-mortem. Kim Britov died on the night of 5 /6 January, the hospital, where he was taken to call an ambulance. When the doctors arrived, they found the artist signed his work, and until all the paintings and sketches had not been signed, he left the studio. As it turned out, forever. The hospital tried to do something, but it was too late.

Kim Britov lived in the art of a great life and did much to popularize the Vladimir painting, whose meteoric rise in early 1960 revealed world another facet of art in Russia - in addition to paint of social realism, the severe style and non-conformism.

Three names have defined what became known as the Vladimir school of painting - B. Yoockin , K. shaving V. Kokurin . It is they who is credited with creating a powerful pictorial movement, has drawn into its orbit many artists. Inner freedom and emancipation allowed them to experiment, to seek and achieve the unexpected, original and artistically valuable results. Proximity to the capital (three hours by train) allows them to be aware of all the artistic events in Moscow, and the relative distance from it to ignore coming from Moscow, "decrees" in the field of fine art.

Gradual geographical expansion of travel sketches (the center of Russia, north, Crimea, Carpathians, France) enriched with new motives of these artists, with new impressions from the state of nature, than Meschersky.

In mid-1970 years of Vladimir painting "opens" Madame Nakamura - Japanese galeristka with a light hand that the Japanese discovered the treasures of Russian painting of XIX and XX centuries. In the 1980's picture of the Vladimir began to appear frequently in the halls of the Hotel Drouot in Paris, causing the continued interest of its proximity to the Post-Impressionists and the wild ».

The exhibition Kim Britova submitted 142 works from the studio artist. Some of them have already been exhibited, while others are exhibited for the first time. The exhibition will last until the end of January.

Exhibition KN Britova in OTSII (Vladimir). Photo by A. Korzun

Kim N. Britov born January 8, 1925 in the city Sobinka Vladimir region. Eighteen years, in 1943 went to the front and ended the war in 1945.

Mstera In 1948 graduated from art school, in the same year started in the studio of Professor NP Sychev (until 1955).

in 1954 became a member of CCX, and in 1956-1965 was led by Vladimir regional organization CX.

KN Britov made many trips to the Soviet Union in 1983-1992 was in Czechoslovakia, Finland, Korea, France, etc.

first exhibited his work in 1948 at the Regional Art Exhibition (Vladimir), participated in the Republican art exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960, Moscow), exhibited abroad (1977), was exhibited at the IX All-Russia Art Exhibition (1999, Moscow); all participated in more than 240 exhibitions in our country and abroad.

KN shaving - Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1978), People Artist of Russia (1995), winner of the regional award in the field of culture, art and literature (1995) and Prize. Levitan (2005), was awarded the Gold Medal of the Academy of Arts of Russia (1997) and the Pushkin Gold Medal (2000), Honorary Citizen of the city of Vladimir (2003).

In 1997-2003 he taught in art and graphics Volgograd State Pedagogical University, professor.

painter's first solo exhibition was held in 1975, in 2000-2009 have been personal exposure to Moscow, Vladimir, Reach, and others

Over 60 years of creative activity KN Britov created over 3000 works.


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