Art Investment

Who is afraid of the exhibits?

Newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported on accidents that have occurred with some exhibits of the British Museum

According to documents seen by the newspaper The Daily Telegraph, in the last three years have been marred by hundreds of exhibits stored in British museums and galleries. Among the affected items - works of famous modern artists, Baroque sculptures, bones of dinosaurs and steam engines. Some of the exhibits to restore already impossible to "cure" others demanded thousands of pounds.

Employees of the National Galleries of Scotland in Edinburgh hurt, eight works of art, including "Mark of the Beast" by Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol ) and "My Uncle Colin" Tracey Emin (Tracey Emin). Both work and then repaired.

cameraman to shoot in a London gallery Tate Britain, brushed installation Anish Kapoor (Anish Kapoor) «Light Ishi", resulting in a piece of it broke. Two-year visitor gallery Tate Britain «adorned" now Mark Rothko (Mark Rothko) «Black on burgundy" imprints of their palms . Three months before this incident, another child left on the canvas a few dents.

works often break down when employees install them in the museum halls or remove them from there. Panel "Mars" brush Renaissance painter Domenico Beccafumi (Domenico Beccafumi), written in three vertical boards and stored in the National Gallery, damaged during the dismantling of the exhibition "Painters of the Renaissance Siena» . When the product removed from the wall, it slipped out of the frame, fell on the floor and split in half. Fortunately, restorers managed to save the picture.

wooden sculpture of Christ the XV century, on loan from the British Library Victoria and Albert Museum, also suffered during the removal from exposure. Damage estimated at 1.6 thousand pounds.

Results from museum exhibits the Victoria and Albert 18 incidents happened. In a porcelain figure of XVIII century came off his head, when it was put in the basket. Doll House XIX century, was damaged when it tried to "squeeze" in the door. Part of the sculpture of Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini) «Neptune and Triton" broke away during one of the ceremonial events - sculpture of brushed waiter, carrying two packages of wine glasses.

London Science Museum lost steam machines cost 15 thousand pounds. It destroyed the agency staff, to whom she was temporarily transferred. Employees of the museum itself accidentally broke another exhibit - a steam pump "Old Bess," which is a creation of the famous Scottish engineer James Watt (James Watt).

The museum family Burrell (Burrell Collection) in Glasgow was marred oak sideboard XVII century: it is found droplets of ink, for the appearance of which, apparently, responsible workers engaged in painting the walls. The same fate befell the work of Patrick Hughes (Patrick Hughes) under the title "Jubilee", which is a collection located in the same city Gallery of Modern Art.

Sometimes the exhibits are destroyed ... in the recovery process. For example, in the Museum of the Wars of the British Empire (d Daksford) restorers accidentally blew up a fuel tank combat aircraft "Meteor". Metal could not stand the pressure, under the influence of which specialists tried to remove dents.

There are also instances when items from the museum's collections are in the garbage. For example, a volunteer of the museum of the Royal Air Force in London threw out a model cruise missile Exocet.

Installation Tracey Emin titled "Self Portrait: Bath", was exhibited at the retrospective exhibition of the artist at the Edinburgh Gallery of Modern Art was accidentally damaged by the visitor, whose shirt became entangled in barbed wire, which is part of the work. Damage estimated at 1.2 thousand pounds. Exhibited in the same room, working under the name "I think I'm pregnant III» has suffered through the fault of another lover of art, which struck her, backed away. Part installation Claire Barclay (Claire Barclay) «Trap I» has fallen off due to the fact that the visitor leaned on the job.

members of the crew from the TV channel BBC4, produces documentary films in the Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, overturned the bust of the former head of the Scottish Executive Dyuera Donald (Donald Dewar). During the fall, he hurt another statue. Its repair cost of 340 pounds, and the restoration of "Donald Dyuera" require more than a thousand.

a young visitor one gallery, owned by National Museums Liverpool, damaged frame canvas The Temptation of Christ ", performed in 1854 the French artist Ary Scheffer (Ary Scheffer). French armchair XVIII century, included in the London museum's collection of Wallace (Wallace Collection), demanded the restoration after it crashed into a pram. Another exhibit, a sculpture Algardi Alessandro (Alessandro Algardi) «Jupiter, who beat the Titans: Fire", was defeated by the visitor, which had suffered an epileptic fit.

in museums managed by the City Council of Birmingham, three years there have been about 240 incidents. One painting was restored 40 hours after someone spilled coffee on it.

Some exhibits are victims of vandals. Hooligans "decorate" their graffiti, gum paste, firing in a work paper ball, painted sculptures lips lipstick. It is said that the statue of Victor Hugo (Victor Hugo) of Auguste Rodin (Auguste Rodin), stored in a museum Kelvingrouv in Glasgow, it was crippled by vandals. The National Museum of Aviation (East Lothian, Scotland) visitors deprived aircraft Concorde several parts.

hooligans broke several bones of dinosaurs, exhibited at London's Natural History Museum. In particular, suffered the remains tritseratopsa and diplodocus. One visitor left a malicious graffiti on the fossil tree, whose age is about 300 million years.

Sculpture from the Collection of the National Portrait Gallery was attacked by a visitor who had hit her with a stick.

Sami museums emphasize that the percentage of items that have become victims of such accidents is very low. All staff were very carefully taught the proper handling of museum things.

The documents referred to by The Daily Telegraph, contains information about the incident that occurred on items belonging to the collection of more than 20 museums and galleries. Data released in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Access to Information.

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P. S. The site ARTinvestment.RU can also read:

Negligence destroys beauty. The most high-profile accidents involving works of art

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