Art Investment

Criticized the draft of the new Munch Museum

Building project of the new Munch Museum, recognized as the best on the basis of the architectural competition in March this year, found no support from the Director of the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage Yyurna Holm

draft of the new Munch Museum to be built by 2014 in the coastal zone of Oslo, not far from the Norwegian National Opera House, has been criticized. Following an architectural competition held in March this year, was recognized as the best draft Spanish architect Juan Herreros (Huan Herreros). However, recently the director of the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage Yyurn Holm (Jørn Holme) stated that the draft he did not like, so he would stop his execution. "The new museum will be twice that of other buildings in the area. He broke the panorama of this part of the [Oslo], where the medieval buildings are connected with the modern "- he said in an interview with the publication The Art Newspaper. He also added that he hoped to solve this problem together with the administration of Oslo.

disagreed with the construction of a new building and expressed Remlov Tom (Tom Remlov), director of the Norwegian National Opera: "The size and location proposed by the author, adversely affect our theater. Because of its height Munch Museum will dominate and to attract too much attention ».

In order to determine what impact would a new building on the adjoining territory, Remlov proposed building a full-size model of the future museum. "On the construction in this part of the city has already spent ten billion kroner (1.7 billion dollars). In comparison with the cost of such a model simply negligible. After all, we are talking about the construction of the building, which should stand for a century "- he said.

Material prepared Ekaterina Guseva, AI

Source: ,

P.S. On this topic can also be read:

In Oslo build a new cultural complex

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