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Egypt had quarreled with the Louvre

Department of Antiquities of Egypt broke relations with the Louvre in Paris due to the fact that he refused to return to Egypt valuable artifacts stolen from the country

Department of Antiquities of Egypt broke relations with the Louvre in Paris due to the fact that he refused to return to Egypt valuable artifacts stolen from the country. As the head of the Department of Antiquities, a famous archaeologist, Zahi Hawass (Zahi Hawass), the subject of the dispute are sculptural reliefs, which were stolen in 1980 from the tomb of a wealthy Egyptian Tetaki, located near the famous temple of Luxor. They depict a journey Tetaki in the hereafter.

Action taken by the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, includes the prohibition of all archaeological expeditions, one way or another connected with the Louvre. Already suspended by the French museum sponsored excavations in the necropolis of Saqqara, 25 kilometers south of Cairo, and abolished the lecture one of the former curators.

In response to the Egyptian side of the representatives of the Louvre said that they were ready to return the artifacts, if the decision will be made by a special commission consisting of specialists of the French museums, as well as some other experts. If the commission approves the transfer of artifacts to their homeland, their consent also promised to give the Ministry of Culture of France, headed by Frederic Mitterrand (Frédéric Mitterrand), nephew of former President François Mitterrand (François Mitterrand).

In a press release the Minister of Culture said that the Louvre in good faith acquired the Egyptian reliefs in 2000 and 2003. However, only in November 2008, after archaeologists discovered a burial place from which they took place, questions about the legality of export of these values from Egyptian territory. Therefore, if the Commission ultimately decides to return, the Ministry of Culture of France is ready to immediately transfer the relief to the Egyptian authorities.

Zahi Hawass took over as Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in 2002 and made the return of stolen property from Egypt one of its priorities. In the list of his requests to appear on the restitution of such famous works are stored in major museums around the world, the bust of Nefertiti from the Egyptian Museum in Berlin and the Rosetta Stone from the British Museum.

article prepared by Catherine Onuchina, AI

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