Art Investment

In June, will host a movie premiere, the art curator who was made by Damien Hurst

The film, which is called “Boogie-woogie”, will talk about the London art world

The most successful artist of recent years, Damien Hurst (Damien Hirst) has tried himself in the restaurant business, pop music and charity work. Now it is part of cinema. In June, the Edinburgh premiere of the film take place «Boogie-woogie», the art curator who was made by Hurst.

The basis for the film as a novel of the same name Moynihena Danny (Danny Moynihan), telling about the London art world. Moynihen - present «insider»: he has to work an artist, curator and director of galleries in London and New York. Film director Duncan Ward (Duncan Ward) is also well acquainted with all the realities of the art-«hangouts»: his wife - a famous curator Molly Dent-Broklherst (Molly Dent-Brocklehurst). And Ward, and Moynihen - old friends Hirst.

All the characters of film - false. But their screen lives, they live on the background of these works of famous artists. In particular, the film can be seen the original «picture-rotation» Hirst, as well as copies of his other works. In addition, Hurst suggested that the director used the works of other famous writers, among them Tracey Emin (Tracey Emin), Banks (Banksy) and the Chapman brothers (Chapman Brothers).

The main inspiration for the film has story «Young British Artists». One of the main characters, ruthless gallery is the same points as the famous art magnate, owner of White Cube gallery Joplin Jay (Jay Jopling). Another female character - the artist, whose main theme is the sexual life - like Tracey Emin, one of the most famous of which is an installation-tent «All with whom I slept 1963-1995».

The film employed well-known actors: Heather Graham (Heather Graham), Jamie Uinstoun (Jaime Winstone), Elfi Allen (Alfie Allen), Gillian Anderson (Gillian Anderson), Rempling Charlotte (Charlotte Rampling), Joanna Lumley (Joanna Lumley), Christopher Lee (Christopher Lee), Alan Kamming (Alan Cumming) and Danny Huston (Danny Huston).

Fragments of the film could be seen in one of the private impressions Cannes Film Festival. Fully tape will be shown at the Edinburgh Film Festival, which runs from 17 to 28 June. The film is nominated for the award named Michael Powell (Michael Powell Award), which is awarded to the best British feature film.

Material prepared Yulia Maksimova, AI

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