Finally we present Shakespeare?
Brits will soon see, as perhaps, in fact, looked like a famous playwright
For many years, connoisseurs and art lovers of Shakespeare argue that such a man lived in reality and whether he is the author of those works that are traditionally ascribed to him. However, two British experts have no doubt of its existence, and almost one hundred percent sure that they were able to detect only intravital portrait of the great playwright. This is one of the world's leading shekspirovedov, Professor Stanley Wells (Stanley Wells), who heads the Fund for Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, and the owner of this painting restorer Alex Cobb (Alec Cobbe). The latter received it inherited in the 1980's, along with other family values. Three hundred years this portrait passed down from generation to generation, but who exactly it is depicted, the family is not precisely known. They just assumed that it could be Sir Walter Raleigh (Sir Walter Raleigh) - navigator, and the favorite of Elizabeth I.
In 2006, Alex Cobb visited the London National Portrait Gallery at the exhibition «In Search of Shakespeare». His attention was focused on the so-called Janssen portrait, atributiruemy Flemish painter Cornelis Yanssenu (Cornelis Janssen), worked in England in the early XVII century. Seeing this picture, Cobb was hit by the similarity with the portrait of his family collection. He brought his painting to the museum, where experts compared the two and make sure that they are very similar, but more detailed studies are therefore not carried out.
hard work for the study of this work has continued during the past three years. Specialists conducted a dating of oak planks, on which was painted the picture, and crawling with the help of X-ray and infrared radiation. In addition, experts are able to establish that the portrait has passed by inheritance to the family collection from one of Cobb cousins who married the great-great-granddaughter of Henry Rizli, Earl of Southampton, Shakespeare favor. In favor of the fact that the picture depicts exactly Shakespeare, and said signature available in the painting - a quotation from the works of Horace, borrowed from ody devoted to one playwright. According to Professor Wells, the portrait was painted during the life of Shakespeare, about 1610, when he was 46 years old, by Count of Southampton. If these assumptions are correct, then this will make some changes in our understanding of the English playwright. First of all, the existence of this work indicates that the relationship of writer with his patron, Henry Rizli, which, according to some scientists, were not only commercial but also love, lasted longer than previously thought. Besides, this picture depicts Shakespeare as a man off, holding the highest position in society. This is contrary to some views that he could not be the author of works attributed to him because they did not have the necessary education and refined taste.
At the moment, the most authentic portraits of Shakespeare are only two. This engraving by Martin Droyshuta published the first collection of Shakespearean plays in 1623, as well as a bust in one of the churches in Stratford-upon-Avon, said in the meeting. Both of them were posthumous - the writer died in 1616. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the author of the engraving was still too young, when Shakespeare was alive, and, according to specialists, most likely created a product based not on his own memories, but to some other image. Professor Wells suggested that it is a portrait from the collection of Cobb.
As for the portrait from the collection of Janssen Foldzherskoy library in Washington, Alex Cobb who saw the exhibition in London, it seems, is also a copy from another picture - presumably, again, a portrait from the Cobb . For a long time, it is also considered one of the most reliable image of Shakespeare. However, in the 1940's X-ray scan revealed a later change in the picture. Part of the hair model was zakrashena: perhaps to give him a greater similarity to the engraving by Martin Droyshuta, perhaps, to a man in the picture look older. This, of course, does not become evidence in favor of its reliability.
Portrait of a collection Cobb, along with all materials of the study will be presented to the public within the walls of the fund Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon in the exhibition, which opens April 23 - the birthday of Shakespeare.
material produced Catherine Onuchin
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