Art Investment

Cut picture of Veronese reunited in London

At an exhibition in London Dulvichskoy Gallery will finally united fragments were once cut and sold for parts of the altar painted by Veronese Petrobelli

In London Dulvichskoy Gallery (Dulwich Picture Gallery) The exhibition will open tomorrow, which for the first time after a long «separation» with «meet» four fragments of the so-called altar Petrobelli created by famous Italian artists of the XVI century by Paolo Veronese. At the beginning of XIX century, a large canvas was cut and sold out in installments, and only 200 years later, it was able to re-build, although not entirely, says The Independent.

wrote Veronese canvas commissioned by the brothers Antonio and Dzhirolamo Petrobelli in about 1565. Oil on canvas intended for home chapel brothers. He was one of the biggest altars set up in Italy in the XVI century. It depicts angels holding the dead body of Christ, and customers with their patrons - the holy Hierominate and Anthony the Great. By the end of XVIII century, the picture passed into the possession of a Franciscan monastery, which had ceased to exist during the Napoleonic wars. Then the creation of Veronese and was cut into pieces and sold.

Three large part of the picture currently in the three museums - the National Gallery of Scotland, in Dulvichskoy Gallery and the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. The fourth part - the head of the Archangel Michael - managed only recently found in the Art Museum Blenton in Austin, Texas. Picture is still lacking fragments bottom part, but their whereabouts are unknown.

material produced Catherine Onuchin

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