In London, put on sale a series of abstract paintings «History of the USSR»
The exhibition «The history of the USSR», top lots will be on display June 13 to tender Russian postwar and contemporary art auction house MacDougall `s will present in London on 29 April
exhibition «The history of the USSR», top lots will be on display June 13 to tender Russian postwar and contemporary art auction house MacDougall `s will present in London on 29 April.
The main exhibit, which gave her name, is a series of «" History of the USSR »", consisting of fifty-eight paintings classics social art Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, and pre-auction house estimated at 600-900 thousand pounds . The series, about twenty years are in the Jerusalem museum, was recently sold to a private collector, who, in turn, decided to put it up for auction.
If all the series of canvases hang out in a series, his length was 19 meters.
According to V. Komar, a sponsor of the series, the 58 Fifty-eight canvases correspond to the number of years that has elapsed since the 1917 revolution until the day when they began work on the project. Each of the canvases reports (at the abstract level) of significant events that took place this year. For example, the years of revolution and civil war depicted in the expressive style of abstract art, the time of civil engineering - in the style of constructivism Tatlin, Stalin's terror - in the style of abstract surrealism.
his favorite work of an artist named «1924». Year of death of Lenin. On the canvas depicts the abstract Mausoleum. At various times, the authors had several projects related to the mausoleum, including attempts to present, as would all look if Lenin buried in the Russian tradition - in the ground. «In the Mausoleum of lying would have models of Lenin and Stalin», - has added artist Komar.

The main objective of the authors' series was a demonstration of what can express their individuality through different styles and do not lose it. And while the perception of art, each person individually, but most characters correspond to the emotional response of people to the events of the history of our country.
Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid ( «Komar & Melamid») are well known in the West and in Russia, they have participated in the most prestigious international exhibitions of their work is stored in the major Western museums, but the names are in university textbook .
Another top lot auction «History of the Soviet Union» will be a series of master Grisha Bruskin «Everywhere Life», which consists of twenty-five porcelain figurines, and pre-auction house estimated at 100-200 thousand pounds. Each figurine in this series represents archetypes of Soviet reality: a pioneer, working, Zack, military, and so on. The works were executed by the artist sketches on Dulevskom Porcelain Factory in 1998-1999.
At the top series of upcoming auctions on the show can be seen painting Chuikov, juices, Roginsky, Zvezdochetova and Faibisovich.
At a huge interest in Russian art, which is observed today in the world, «our exhibitions, in addition to education, have a commercial function: We are raising the buyer's market at the stage of formation of Russian art ... - said the owner of the auction Catherine McDougall. - I have the impression that the Western investors who missed the "Chinese boom, made a bet on the" Russian boom "».
The exhibition will run from 29 April to 20 May.
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