Art Investment

Of 6.75 million rubles for a letter to Marina Tsvetayeva in the "literary Fund"

The auction catalog may 30 was sold out half, but brought the "literary Fund" 100 % of the estimate. And again, for the umpteenth time, sales topped the autograph of Marina Tsvetaeva

To bidding may 30, "Cabinet" collected habitually large catalog (lot 431) at its core a theme: books, autographs and postcards. Look at the auction personally, it's almost half a dozen people, but traditionally most of the audience was online-игроки — 64 people in the time of the peak. Bargaining lasted two and a half hours, and the activity was fairly uniform, only towards the end it slowed down.

overall the results look good: the new owners have 246 lots, that is, 57% of the catalog. To trade out for a total amount of 20.4 million rubles, or 103 % of the average total estimate (19,8 mln.).

the Leader in the number of wins remains the Internet — 120 lots (48.8 per cent). The second were absentee bids with 57 (23,2 %), the third — players in the hall who won lot 41 (16,6%) and the remaining 28 lots sold (11,4 %) were due to telephone participants. At the same time, top-10 suddenly attacked absentee bids: five lots went to them, including third place in the final price list.

the Price rating of the auction is not the first time tops the autograph of Marina Tsvetaeva. Listed in the directory of a handwritten letter from the poet to the writer Lyudmila Vasilievna Vedrickas (Veprinsky on the envelope), dated 29 January 1940 became the object of universal attention from the very beginning of bargaining for the lot. The first bid at 4 million rubles. equal to the upper limit of the estimates, quickly interrupted. Per lot fought all except the participants, but got it in the end, the player in the hall of 6.75 million RUB.

the Second value was the book of Vladimir Mayakovsky with the autograph of the author of "Americans for memory. Poems," published in new-Йорке in 1925. This rare edition was offered at auction for the first time, but still in good condition. Here war decided to have everything except Internet. Bargaining, which began 1.6 million, ended on a rate of 1.75 million, proposed by the party in the hall.

Third place for the price in this auction was won by an instance of the almost completely destroyed the circulation in 1924. "Red patronage. A collection of articles and materials" of the artist Yuri Annenkov, participants were offered 500-550 thousand RUB In a dispute of phone, Internet and absentee bids won last lot was sold for 800 thousand rubles.

the leader of the rating of the price increase (difference between estimate and sale price) was the book of Gaston, Tiande "Scientific entertainments. Familiarity with the laws of nature through games and experiments that do not require special devices", which is modestly estimated at8-8,5 thousand. This, however, did not prevent the participants on the phone and on the Internet in the course of lengthy bargaining to raise its price to 110 thousand rubles, which is 13.3 times higher than the average estimate. Edition got the player on the Network.

in second place For the price increase was the only issue of "Juvenal" of March 27, 1906, which was attended by such artists Nikolay Feshin, Isaak Brodsky, Nikolai Pirogov. The magazine estimated in 5-5,5 thousand rubles., but it was won at the Internet and telephone by absentee rate for 50 thousand rubles., 9.5 times higher than the average estimate.

the Third was the fourth collection of poems, 1930, containing the works of Yuri Mandelstam, Vladimir Smolensky, Catherine Tauber, Lydia Czerwinski and others. Although the description was rather modest, and the estimate was 4.8–5 thousand rubles, the lot was sold in the room for 35 thousand. — 7.1 times above the average.

Like other catalogs "literary Fund", it was not without a small collection of rare occult books. Among them, the hall was especially entertained by "the Magnetism of personality. With illustrations" in 1907, the compiler of V. T. Participants were invited to become an energy vampire for 3.6 thousand But the idea came to the public's liking, so the Internet-игрок could be the lucky winner of this edition with a picture of the star of David for 10 thousand.

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