Art Investment

Selling autographs of Marina Tsvetaeva brought the Auction house "Antiquarium" of 4.1 million rubles

Done last Thursday, the auction "Russian enamel" has all chances to become one of the best in budding 2018

March 29, "the literary Fund" has collected a catalog of 424 lots — is quite large, diverse, but no signs of anything unusual: the auction has been focused on the classic "Empire" on topics related to rare books, autographs, photographs and postcards. More striking are the results of past trades.

first, refer to General statistics. Of 424 lots were sold 222, that is just — half. The result is certainly good, but it is not important. The auction house was able to collect RUB 15.6 million, or 113 % of the mean estimate of the directory which is estimated at 13.8 million rubles. That is, the plan is not only fulfilled, but even exceeded it, almost like a five-year plan in three years.

there is a significant role played by the distribution of forces of participants of auction. Of the 222 purchases 102 (45.9 per cent) made the players online, 47 (21.1%), the lots were sold at the absentee rates, 39 (17.6 %) of the lots went to the players by phone, and 34 (15,4 %) — to parties in the hall. Despite the fact that the Internet holds the palm for the amount wagered lots of the top-10 deals eight made a phone players. In the hall gathered nearly two dozen people, and the auction attracted more than forty participants.

the Auction could be considered a success after the sale of the first lot: extremely rare Atlas of the entire Baltic sea by A. I. Nagaev, published in 1757, containing 28 maps engraved, was previously estimated at 850-900 thousand RUB, however, after a heated auction the bidders raise the price up to 2.4 million rubles, for which he went to the most persistent of phone players.

it would Seem that after such a high-profile sale little that could attract the attention of the public. But in the top-10 of the auction Atlas took second place. The first on the right was taken the absolute leader of the trades: a pencil manuscript of the poem from the cycle "the Fathers" with the autograph of Marina Tsvetaeva in the evaluation of 800-850 thousand RUB became the subject of a fierce struggle of the Internet, telephone and hall. Eventually the lot was sold to a party in the hall (one of the two diluted top-10) for 4.1 million RUB Nothing surprising in such a strong interest there: the auction house emphasized that never before has the Tsvetaeva manuscript was not present on the Russian auction.

Third place in the list of records was also given to the classics of Russian literature — Nikolai Gogol. At auction his works have been presented first editions of the first (1842) and second (1855) volumes of the poem "the Adventures of Chichikov or Dead souls". Infamous second part of "Dead souls", the author of burned, partially preserved in the drafts and was published after the death of Gogol in the second volume of his collected works. Rare set of party got on the phone to start 750 thousand RUB.

Top-10 made up of lot number 23 — book "Notes of captain of the fleet rikord on his voyage to the Japanese shores in 1812 and 1813, and on relations with the Japanese." Apparently, the rarity and the fact that the publication came from a meeting of Vasily Karlovich Schultz, provided the sale of the lot for 260 thousand rubles (estimate: 110-120 thousand rubles). All in all, the mark of 100 thousand RUB crossed twenty lots.

Rating of price growth (the difference between the estimate and the selling price) at this time is strongly at odds with common top. The first place it confidently takes the book "Tales of the blue fairy" by L. A. Charskaya with illustrations by V. Melnikov, Z., Shapiro, A. M. Balzer and other artists. On trading activity in the Network for this child edition hall responded with thunderous fun and guess that must be the theme of fairy tales Blue fairy is now more urgent than ever. But, whatever the reason for such close attention, "Tales...", previously estimated at 4,8–5 thousand rubles, exceeded the lower boundary of the estimated cost of 19.7 times and got the player to the Internet for 95 thousand RUB.

On the second and third place rankings for price growth were two of the lot associated with names of famous artists. 6.4 times more expensive estimeyta was sold to a buildable lot, including the album "Niko Pirosmani" with coloured and monochrome reproductions and texts by Titian Tabidze and others, and illustrated catalogue of the exhibition Pirosmani, 1931: album and catalogue, valued at 24-25 thousand rubles. was sold for 155 thousand RUB Complete set of reproductions of N. Denisovskaya "Coal cast iron steel," was sold for 55 thousand rubles, i.e. 5.5 times higherestimate 10-12 thousand.

In a small selection of posters sold had three of the four lots, and in the first place was an integral lot of twelve posters "Crush the fascist reptile" and two satirical papers "partisan club" era of the great Patriotic war inherited for 11 thousand rubles party in the Internet.

Of the 17 lots associated with the name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, has sold thirteen. Eight of them have found new owners thanks to the absentee rate, including the most expensive lot of the strings — dated 1966-1973 years, the archive of Margaret Schaefer, one of the "invisible" (as they were called by the writer), and in fact secret helpers Solzhenitsyn@the semicolon the archive was bought for 380 thousand

in Addition to various rare and unique lots, the auction was able to please the audience with a small curiosity, what happened to lot 63. Exotic publishing Osman-Бея "Turks and their women. The Sultan and his harem" of 1874 was successfully sold after the auction in for 26 thousand rubles, but after some time, the lot was asked to return and replay. While the final sale price fell to 20 thousand. Probably the seraglio at this price seemed like a party too expensive purchase for the modern man.

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