Art Investment

Autograph Tsvetaeva, Pasternak went for 5.75 million rubles for "Antiquarium"

All auctions rare books, autographs and unique memorial items, past in the "Cabinet" on September 21, brought almost 30 million rubles

an Impressive selection of lots collected at the auction by the beginning of trading of about two dozen people. Along with the full-time participants are actively traded online-покупатели and customers on the phone. Some of the lots were bought by absentee rates. In just more than three hours the auction was sold 219 lots of 411 (53 %) amounting to 29.3 million rubles. — 84% of the mean estimate.

the Main event of the evening was the sale instance of the poem-сказки of Marina Tsvetaeva "King-девица" with the author's corrections and a dedication to the poet: "to Boris Pasternak — / one of my channels / Marina Tsvetaeva / Prague, 20th new. December 1922" (lot 218). For the most valuable testimony of the longstanding friendship between Tsvetaeva and Pasternak fought two participants in the room. The book, whose circulation in the USSR was banned and withdrawn from circulation, the auction house estimated 3-3. 2 million rubles. But the challengers soon reached the level of RUB 5 million And suddenly in the auction dispute has entered the Internet: online-участник stepped another half a million — to 5.5 million rubles. But half step one of the internal participants decided the case: the book went into the hall for 5.75 million RUB without a fee. Another autograph Tsvetaeva — possessory inscription of the poet on the book from the collection of her mother Mary Maine "Roman women. Histories by Tacitus" — was sold for 460 thousand rubles, while the estimate of lot 163 in the 350-380 thousand rubles.

the Auction "Russian enamel" on 21 September was generally rich in unique autographs. Several autographs of Sergei Yesenin was offered to customers on the eve of the poet's birthday (21 September old and October 3, new style). Over 1 million rubles by correspondence rate was sold a handwritten letter from Sergei Yesenin Anatolia Mariengof (lot 219), in which he complains about the "mud and slush" Rostov and other vicissitudes of his journey from Moscow to the Caucasus (which, however, ended in Rostov). It was further proposed dedication of Esenin in the address of a friend, poet and translator Eugene Sokol: "For all that has passed — kiss on the lips Falcon cute. Sergei Yesenin. 1924" (lot 230). For 950 rubles the autograph was purchased by a party in the hall (estimate: 500-550 thousand rubles). Then, for 800 thousand rubles. at the start of 500 thousand rubles. was sold Yesenin's autograph on the book "Persian motifs" in the address of the last wife, Sophia Tolstoy: "Dear Sonia / do not make friends with Yesenin / lubes with Sergei / you love it / you, too. / I". This inskript Yesenin (lot 237) in a dispute with hall won-таки Internet-участник. Finally, the most coveted autograph Esenin became the manuscript of the poem "Life — deception with bewitching anguish," written Yesenin in Baku in August 1925 (lot 239). Belova autograph this poem for a long time kept in the family, daughter Alexandra Esenina. The manuscript was arguing two participants in the room and a telephone. Lot went to the hall for 2.1 million rubles (estimate 1,2–1,3 million rubles).

Autographs of Afanasii FET on them copies of the translated books of poetry the Roman poets Quintus Horatius Flaccus (lot 110) and'biya Tibolla (lot 112) alsofound their buyers. A collection of poems by Horace, labeled FET for Director of the Association tea trade "Botkin and sons" Dmitry Petrovich Botkin, in the struggle of Internet and telephone has risen from 350 to 440 thousand RUB Autograph went to the Internet. For the same money online-участник got a copy of "Elegies Tibula" translated feta with a dedication second wife of S. M. Tretyakov, Elena Andreevna Tretyakova.

the First book of poems of the poet of the Silver age Mikhail Kuzmin "Network" (Moscow: Skorpion, 1908) with a handwritten dedication to address certain Vladimir Konstantinovich Hmelnickogo (lot 160) were purchased at a start of 300 thousand rubles. And the manuscript of the poem "Happiness" by Vyacheslav Ivanov got a new owner for 115 thousand rubles (estimate 80-85 thousand rubles).

Another top-лот, reached seven-figure prices, — instance of the collection of poems by théophile Gautier "Enamels and cameos" in the translation of Nikolai Gumilev, with the autograph of the translator in the address of the beloved disciple, the poet Georgy Ivanov (lot 184). The first attempt the lot for 1.1 million rubles. acquired a permanent collector of relics of the Silver age, which were traded from the audience, and apparently, he did not immediately believe his luck — that autograph Gumilev went to him without a fight.

Finally, in a series of autographs of the early twentieth century of special note is a letter Felix Dzerzhinsky Professor Vladimir E. Grum-Гржимайло. Lot 233, estimated at 110-120 thousand rubles, was purchased by a party in the hall for 190 thousand.

in Addition to autographs, with great excitement customers were even traded for some lots. Several times exceeded the estimate of a unique photo album "Service and life of border guard detachment NKVD Outpost of Kalai Vamar (Western Pamir)" in 1931, with more than hundreds of photos. Album (estimate: 32-35 thousand rubles) exceeded a valuation of nearly 18 times: lot 278 was sold for 600 thousand.

Another memorable prank: for 650 thousand rubles. was sold a book of travel writing "Letters from America" the traveler and the gold mines N. D. Butina. Lot 98, previously estimated at 120-130 thousand rubles., bought the player in the Internet, a dispute over his phone. But never before at public auction the book "the adventures of Rascals" N. D. Shchelkovo (lot 85) the struggle of Internet and telephone has risen from 140 to 500 thousand rubles. And again a lot went to the Internet.

These and other sale allow me to call the auction "Russian enamel" on 21 September, one of the most successful rare book auctions of the beginning of the fall season. The organizers wish to only continue in the same spirit — as interesting selections and reasonable prices.

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