Art Investment

St. Petersburg collection "literary Fund". Auction September 14

Twice for 54 % — that money on lots. Traded mainly through the Internet — surely, the Petrograd?

Thursday, September 14 auction house "Antiquarium" has suggested the clients to make a fascinating "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow". Go for it in the city on the Neva was not necessarily rare books, autographs, photographs and postcards profits themselves up for auction in Moscow.

On the number of bets this time, Internet-участники significantly surpassed all other — full-time phone and part-time, so one would assume that the lots were mainly bought by people. But that being said, the only version, and we should all rely on facts. And they are. Of the 281 lots purchased 153 (54 %) for a total of 6.52 million RUB (again, 54 % — from the total estimate of 12 million rubles). The hall was attended by up to half a dozen people, but bought among these, only two-трое. Yes, traditionally bets were taken by the staff of the "literary Fund" on the phone from a few regular customers.

the Valuable archive art exhibition "15 years the red army" a buyer is, alas, not found. This collection of biographies, autographs and photos of the exhibitors, reports, reproductions, clippings, posters and other related materials was estimated in 1,5–1,6 million rubles. same asked for 4-е edition of the works of the German traveler Adam Olearius "the Description of the journey to Muscovy and Persia" (Hamburg, 1696), but again there were no volunteers.

But the start, for 950 thousand rubles were bought the first book of the Vladimir dal — "Russian fairy tales from oral folk tales for a diploma passed civil, to the life of life is adjusted and sayings painted walking Cossack Vladimir Lugansk" (SPb.: Prints from type. A. Pluchart, 1832). For a sub-Dahlem in the mouths of the heroes of the criticism of the situation of the Russian soldier under Nicholas I the whole edition of "Russian fairy tales" has been removed from stores and destroyed in the III Department. One of the few surviving copies was bought at auction by-игроком.

Another significant sale from 150 to 380 thousand multiple online-игроков traded for a book by M. I. Pylyaev "Old Moscow. Stories of past lives, the mother see of the capital. With 132 illustrations" (SPb.: Ed. A. S. Suvorina, 1891).

Not left without attention of buyers and the unique edition of the poem "Cantata" Soviet art critic, bibliophile and collector, A. A. Sidorov, released in 1921 by the Russian society of friends of books in the amount of only 13 copies, of which 11 were registered. Was offered for sale inscribed copy of the architect N. B. Baklanov. Per lot traded from 30 to 280 thousand rubles.

a Copy of the "Fables" Krylov with an invitation to the funeral of the fabulist has found a buyer to start for 200 thousand rubles. This book wings managed to publish before his death. Out of print released after his death books the executor Krylov sent out a limited number of persons with inserted sheet invitation to the funeral.

Among the autographs in the St. Petersburg collection stands out a business card of I. K. Aivazovsky, where the artist's hand left a recommendation for the artist Bogaevsky ("young Bogayevsky", "countryman") and addressed the recommendation, apparently, Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (Aivazovsky appeals to no one, "the great Maestro Ivan Ivanovich"). A lot of the argued distance rate and Internet. Started with 60 thousand rubles, but 100 thousand RUB online-участники left attempts to argue that the high correspondence bet and lost autograph correspondenceplayer.

two other important lots, found new owners at auction "Russian enamel", — complete set of the magazine "the Capital and estate" (90 vol. Vol. 1-90. PG.: Ed. V. Krymova; Type. T-ва of R. Golik and A. Vilborg, 1914-1917), sold for 420 thousand. — slightly above estimates, and the only published book of poems, artist Pavel Filonov "Propelene sprouted on the world" (PG.: Ed. "Global flourishing", [1915]), pushed under the hammer at a start of 250 thousand rubles.

In General, the Muscovites warmly welcomed the St. Petersburg collection. You can safely bring at auction.

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