Art Investment

Auction "Russian enamel" on July 13. A brief summary

Sold 47% of the lots and 60% on money. Total revenue reached nearly 14 million.

July 13, will be remembered not only a generous portion of rain, but also a generous helping of books, autographs, photographs and postcards at the next auction auction house "Antiquarium". Nearly two dozen booksellers have come to see a sale catalog three hundred and fifty lots. Bidding, as always impeccably, led Helen mountain. Got through in about three hours. Most lots bought online-игроки. Slightly inferior to them customers to place bets on the phone through the auction house. The participants in the room and correspondence buyers acquired a total of approximately 20% of all lots sold. Total revenues amounted to 13.91 million RUB

Top-лотом auction was the six-volume "Military gallery of the Winter Palace. The Emperor Alexander I and his associates in 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815" (SPb.: In Type. Carla CRIA, 1845-1849). Edition brought together about 150 portraits and biographies of Russian generals of the Patriotic war of 1812 and foreign campaigns. The portraits were painted by the English artist George Dawe, a biography compiled General-лейтенантом A. I. Mikhailovsky-Данилевским. Lot start bought the phone the player for 2 million.

the Second value of the lot was the English "Historical sketch of Moscow, 12 illustrated views of different parts of the capital city and of the Kremlin", issued by the London publisher Rudolph Ackermann in 1813, on the wave of Pro-Russian sentiment in English society. Edition 12-тью original prints was purchased by the only bidder, a seller on the phone, over 1.2 million rubles (estimate 0,95 – 1,2 million rubles).

the Third top-лот was a complete surprise for all the participants. Initially on the book by Russian Explorer Stepan Krashennikov "Description of the Kamchatka land" (2-е edition 1786) was not made a single bid. A lot went unnoticed at the beginning of the second ten lots, but had to go through a couple hundred lots, before any-то late online-участник asked to return it at the auction. Essay Krashennikova in two volumes, has long been the world's only description of the distant Kamchatka, the book was translated into German, English, French and Dutch languages. Lot with a rating of 400 – 450 thousand. back at the auction, and then it began... slept through the beginning of auction Internet-игроков, as it turned out, it was at least two – broke out in the bidding, and a book on the Kamchatka Peninsula began to steadily rise in price. The final price was an impressive 1.1 million rubles, i.e. almost three times higher than the starting. Immediately from the hall sounded a joking offer to return to auction and all remaining unsold lots – and if you're lucky.

Another popular publication was "the Memorial book for 1916" (what today we would call a diary), presented by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to his Secretary-распорядителю, count Peter Nikolaevich Apraksin. In addition to a dedicatory inscription by the hand of the Empress, this commemorative book is also valuable unique notes the count Apraksin of Cesarevitch Alexey and itself Alexandra. Bidding for the lot, priced in the catalog 100-110 thousand RUB, started with 220 thousand rubles by correspondence rate. There were three bidders on the phone, one in the hall, and an undetermined number of absentee and online-игроков. Was trading to 550 thousand RUB won one of the phone players.

Continuing the topic of autographs. Two handwritten letters of Ilya Zdanevich mother was sold each for 200 thousand RUB Both letters were sold the phone player. And for the autograph of Sasha Cherny in the instance of the application "For children" to the magazine "Niva" had to pay 150 thousand rubles (estimate 150 – 160 thousand rbl.).

the First publication of-фантастической the novel by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, "On the moon" (Moscow: Printing house of I. D. Sytin Partnership, 1893) traded correspondence and online-игрок. As a result, the lot has increased in price from 85 to 140 thousand rubles. won correspondence player.

Another entertaining publication that caused a lively auction, published in Paris in 1910, article by L. N. Tolstoy's "Genghis-хан with the Telegraph (the Russian government)". At the auction "Russian enamel" were the only and the first edition of this article Tolstoy under this name, and even a separate, 22-страничной book (in 1911 it was already in the collections of "Past" and "Common cause" under the title "Time to understand"). It is not surprising that his book, modestly estimated at 9-10 thousand RUB, was traded to 150 thousand absentee and Internet-игроки. Lot won online-участник.

Diluted antiquarian compilation album "Muscovites" classics of world photography Henri Cartier-Брессона. For the album, published in new-Йорке in 1955, a few online-игроков traded from 28 to 150 thousand.

Finally, for 95 thousand rubles. paid part-time player for two books by George Orwell, originally valued at only 5 to 5.5 thousand rubles. It was the first edition in Russian (publishing house "Crops" in Frankfurt-на-Майне) works "1984" and "Bestial farm" (the name of which is today often translated as "the Barnyard"). The auction for both books was fought between an absentee bid and online, but part-time rate each time was higher.

as completed auctions "Cabinet" on the equator of the summer. But the auction house seem to not think to go on vacation. Next week, July 27, we are waiting for the auction rare books, autographs, photographs and postcards. Do not switch.

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