Art Investment

Fine art and PDI in the "literary Fund," June 15. A brief summary

Total revenue of more than 9 mln. Sold 107 of 323 lots

Thursday, June 15, at the auction house "Russian enamel" held an auction of paintings, graphics, decorative-прикладного art, books and catalogues on art. The beginning of trading in the audience were about two dozen people. There were a lot of young people; reputable buyers, in contrast, only a few people. Many were absentee bids and bids via the Internet. Phone buyers this time were less active than usual. Final stats: lots sold 107 of 323 (33%), totaling 9,123 mln (24% of the average total estimate). A good result given the summer lull.

the First major auction dispute has happened in watercolor "portrait of a girl in a blue dress with a white shawl", 1833 brush outstanding Russian portraitist and miniaturist of the first half of the XIX century Mikhail Ivanovich Terebenev. Arguing telephone, lounge, Internet. Starting from 72 thousand rubles reached 220 thousand RUB Lot won one of the full-time members of the bargaining.

Decoration decorative collection-прикладного art is a collection of silverware from the family of Kandinsky and Shevaldykin (items 26-35). One of the owners of silver, Marfa Nikitichna, had great aunt to the artist Vasily Kandinsky. Items from this family were almost all sold out (except for two). Total revenue for string – 637 thousand RUB became the Most expensive Cutlery set of 36 items in a special box (Russia. SPB. Master Mathias Neuvonen. 1843): 270 thousand RUB it was bought by the absentee member.

it was Bought by absentee rate both picture Polish-литовского artist Sadovskogo Ignatius Stepanovich (1815-1870/1871), and the figure "Sellers of mops" of the late 1830-х years was sold for 280 thousand rubles.

the New owners found the painting by Aristarkh Lentulov from the collection of the artist's family (est 170-180 thousand руб.; the result is 170 thousand rubles), the figure of Adolf Charlemagne "the Road from Petersburg to Moscow" (score 210-230 thousand руб.; the result of 210 thousand rubles.) rural landscape "On the Dnieper" of Sofia Petrovna Kuvshinnikova — same one that was the lover of Levitan and served as a prototype of Chekhov's "Grasshopper" (a score of 100-110 thousand руб.; the result of 110 thousand rubles).

left without attention three printed calendar, designed by albert Benois, Nikolai Tsirigoti and Boris Kustodiev. For the time sheet-календарь for 1904 river landscape Benoit correspondence party made 28 thousand rbl. (estimated 16-17 thousand rubles). For the time sheet-календарь on 1908-й Petersburg performed Tsirigoti paid 34 thousand RUB (score 16-17 thousand rubles). And for calendar for 1922 with the design Kustodiev Internet, phone, party in the hall and correspondence player argued to 110 thousand rubles (estimate 36-38 thousand rubles). The distance bet won.

Over 440 thousand roubles in the fight hall with part-time wasdrawn illustration by Dmitry stelletsky "Prayer to the Sun" (assessment of 350-370 thousand rubles). And for theatrical costume design knight 1910-х years Alexander Shervashidze room and a telephone bidder were arguing from 180 to 320 thousand. In both cases the victory was won by a buyer in the room.

Expressive female "Winter portrait" pastel Anatoly Zverev exceeded the estimate by half and got a new owner over 85 thousand rubles (estimate 40-42 thousand rubles). And the work "Premonition" conceptualist Viktor Pivovarov left start for 120 thousand.

In the final part of the auction, the competition was played in two graceful and graphic works of Lado Gudiashvili. Drawing with colored pencils "Paris cafe" in 1974 was sold for 525 thousand rubles (estimate 350-370 thousand rubles). And the air aquarelle "the Flight" went to a new owner for 550 thousand rubles, while the estimate of 300-320 thousand.

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