Art Investment

360 thousand for the letter Pasternak at the auction "Russian enamel" may 18

A private collection of lifetime editions of the classics of the XVIII — beginning of the XX century brought a total of 9.56 million (96 % of the mean estimate section)

it was a warm and Sunny may 18, Nizhny Kislovskiy lane, at the auction house "Antiquarium", the smell of blooming lilacs have passed antiquarian auction. The first session of the auction was devoted entirely to one particular collection of lifetime editions of Russian classics of XVIII — beginning of the XX century: only 72 lots, many of them — with autographs. The second session, lots 349, — books, photographs, postcards and autographs from a variety of sources. Among the top-лотов — letters from Boris Pasternak.

after the first session sold lot 44 of 72 (61 %) for the total amount, as has been said above, of 9.56 million rubles, or 96% of the average total estimate. In the hall were probably twenty people, which is good, but most of all lots (28) bought; on the phone bought 10 lots; part-time and full-time rates have played 3 times.

the Second session brought more of 7.67 mln (52% of the average total estimate). Sold lot 194 of 349 (56 %). The overall impression from the sales of the first hundred lots in this session, the most active was again remote participants who made bets by telephone and via the Internet. The impression that "live" auctions, sadly, itself, obsolete. Fewer collectors and dealers come to bid for lots in person, preferring remote purchases. The era of luxurious receptions also passed. Without bread and circuses to wait for the top-лотов from the third hundred most present was not under force. So who bought a parsnip, few know, but for how much — is please.

But first, a word about sales in the first session. Many lots left section substantially above the estimate. For example, the first and only lifetime collection of the poems of Basil L. Pushkin (uncle Alexander) telephone and Internet trade with the 100 up to 380 thousand. RUB. the Book, published in Saint-Петербурге in 1822, went to a telephone buyer.

For two editions of "Notes of a hunter" by Turgenev in the amount paid 1 million rubles for the First 300 thousand sold the first edition of "Notes", 1852 (St. Petersburg: In the University type.), exhibited with the estimate of 150-160 thousand RUB Lot won the phone. The second (but autographed by Turgenev) edition of "Notes of a hunter" (SPb.: in the Printing K. wolf, 1859) was included in the catalogue with an estimate of 400 thousand rubles., but book lovers have appreciated it even more expensive: two volumes went online-покупателю for 700 thousand rubles.

B most of editions with autographs of writers have found new owners. Over 600 thousand rubles bought "a Common story" by Ivan Goncharov with a dedicatory inscription by the author to the historian M. M. Stasyulevich (score 250-260 thousand roubles). For poetry the Roman poets Horace and Tibula translated Athanasius FET with the autograph of the translator paid a total of 1.15 million RUB without a fee. Autographs feta is extremely rare. Both books were purchased online. Collection "By C. Horatius Flaccus" (M: Type. M. Schepkin, 1883) — for 600 thousand rubles (estimate 350-360 thousand rubles); "Elegy Tibula" — for 550 thousand rubles (estimate is the same). The first book of poems, A. N. Apukhtina autographed exceeded the estimate three times: online-участник gave her 240 thousand rubles (estimate 80-85 thousand rubles). An instance of the poetic collection of A. N. Tolstoy's "blue rivers" with the dedication of the author Alexey Remizov has acquired over 310 thousand rubles (estimate 100-110 thousand rubles).

the most expensive lot of the first session and the entire auction wasa complete set of all issues of the journal "World of art" (SPB.: The publication of M. K. Tenisheva and S. I. Mamontov; Type. Edward Hoppe, 1899-1904). Party on the phone bought it for 1.08 million RUB (assessment of lot 1-1,1 mln.).

In the second session of the first edition of the sonnets of Adam Mickiewicz with lithographed a translation application of one of the Crimean sonnets into Persian customers over the phone and via the Internet have raised the price from 30 to 440 thousand RUB lots went to telephone to the player. And the top-лот instance from burned copies of the tragedy of the Wielkopolska I. E. "Amaterski" (SPb.: In Type. N. The buckwheat, 1841) with a rating of 2.8–3 million rubles were purchased.

Children's book poet-имажиниста Anatoly Mariengof "Ball-проказник" was bought for 200 thousand rubles (estimate 180-200 thousand rubles). Children's books of the poet are extremely rare. "The ball-проказник" was released in 1928 and was not reprinted.

special attention was met at the auction the archive of General-майора Gundorovskaya the St George regiment Ivan Nikitich Konovodova (1885-1967). Three albums of photographs and letters, previously estimated at 28-30 thousand rubles, was traded to 200 thousand rubles.

Continuing the conversation about the autographs, I should mention the sale of the autograph of Michael Zoshchenko on the instance of "Selected stories. 1923-1934" for 260 thousand rubles (estimate 50-55 thousand rubles). Two handwritten questionnaires of the members of the Cabinet — N. A. z and S. Marshak — was sold for 180 and 50 thousand rubles respectively (the evaluation of each lot — 30-32 thousand rubles).

Finally, the letter by Boris Pasternak to the Georgian poet Giorgi Nikolaevich Leonidze went for 360 thousand in the evaluation of 300-350 thousand RUB Book of poems, "Over barriers", 1945, with his autograph was sold for 120 thousand rubles, twice the estimate of 60-65 thousand RUB As per lot consisting of Pasternak signed envelope, printed letter and two photos, the new owner paid 85 thousand. (score 50-55 thousand rubles). However, in a string of autographs of Pasternak's two books were left without buyers — instances are translated by the poet Goethe's "Faust" and "Mary Stuart" by Schiller with a dedication to Marina, Mitsishvili, daughter of Georgian poet Niccolo Mitsishvili (assessment of the lots was $ 260-280 220-230 thousand RUB thousand RUB).

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