French books from the XV to the middle of XX century in the auction "Russian enamel"
April 20 at the auction house "Russian enamel" held auctions of rare French books. Total revenues amounted to nearly 4 million rubles
By the beginning of the auction in the audience were about two dozen people. The interest of collectors is clear: at the auction got old Moscow collection of French books, many copies of which were bought on sale noble libraries in the first years of Soviet power. Total percentage of sales was 40 % (lot sold was 143 out of 354). Revenue reached 3.95 million rubles, or 56.3 % of average total estimate. A large part of the lots were purchased by phone with one client, so you can not worry from-за excessive dissipation of valuable collections. The competition he was several people in the room and telephone participants. Sometimes connected and online-игроки. But almost always, the more insistent the other were one and the same person.
the First lot, the directory has become a top-лотом of the auction. Incunabula (first printed book), 1492 writing German monk-мистика Thomas à Kempis "Imitation of Christ" and a treatise by the French theologian Jean Gerson "Reflections of the heart" caused a flurry of online-ставок. Pre-book evaluated a total of 25-26 thousand rubles (apparently, for starters). When the first wave of bets from the Internet, the fight became respectable customers on the phone. They eventually raised the price of lots from 25 to 400 thousand. the Owner of a rare copy of the first printed book with hand-painted letters have become one of the phone players.
followed by over 100 thousand RUB, the assessment 40-42 thousand RUB, left pocket edition-альдина ("Aldine" refers to the publication of the Venetian typographers XV — XVI centuries) "Three books about the Affairs of the Turks" (1539). A masterpiece of printing of the Renaissance in the binding of his time out of parchment paper with hand drawn gold, red, blue and green paints large initials and floral ornaments went telephone buyer.
Among the other top-лотов — 13-томное works of Voltaire in French with historical notes. The lot was bought again-таки phone client 130 thousand RUB when assessing 75-80 thousand RUB Another unique piece of Voltaire was offered as a separate lot: an essay, "the Bible", in which Voltaire expressed his views on religion, was released educator anonymously in London in 1776 (on the cover specifically stated a false place of publication — Geneva), and was subsequently banned for distribution. Book 60 thousand. acquired a player via telephone (assessment of 60-65 thousand rbl.).
in addition, for 130 thousand rubles was sold to the works of the French naturalist, biologist and writer of the eighteenth century by Georges-Луи de Buffon (estimated 110-120 thousand rubles). And sixteen books of Jules Verne, published in Paris from 1878 to 1914 in a series of "Extraordinary voyages", was bought for 120 thousand rubles (estimate 70-75 thousand rubles).
Finally, a collection of 72 short stories was one of the first French writers, Queen Margaret of Navarre ", Heptameron (Semenovich"), written under the influence of the "Decameron" of Boccaccio, bought for 120 thousand. — within the estimate of 110-120 thousand.
Smalla pause in the bidding, takes the auction house "Russian enamel" on may, however, immediately after the holidays, may 10, there will be a charity auction of Antiques and collectibles where you will be offered the first edition of Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Ludmila", 1820. Don't miss!
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