Art Investment

Interview with artist and poet Yuri Cooper

Meetings begin at nine in the morning, dozens of phone calls, travel, house - architectural design office - a new workshop on the ruble. Life boils. Cooper former

Previous our conversation with artists of the sixties Yuri Cooper was like yesterday . Meanwhile, quietly passed four years. I remember that time in Moscow studio Yuri Cooper most vivid impression produced some crazy pace of life and an abundance of creative ideas implemented in parallel . And in this atmosphere of Renaissance Cooper measured, quiet voice answered the questions , but around while everything revolved so that the smoke was a yoke .

In this sense, this time , little has changed : the meeting starts at nine in the morning , dozens of phone calls , travel, house - architectural design office - workshop. Life boils . Cooper former . Workshop on the ruble now : a big house , panoramic windows , the sea of natural light, so essential to the special technique of his paintings. Among the completed projects - all of your favorite flowers , scenic sketches for "Carmen ", " The Bronze Horseman" Falcone . Stand out two just finished paintings , united by the theme "City drainpipes " - picturesque reflection of one of the main lyrical themes in the work of Yuri Cooper. And in the midst of movement and creativity again advance thoughtful questions myself seem vain and are difficult . But the meetings are not frequent , so even the little that said Cooper, connoisseurs of the sixties , I'm sure will be welcomed with interest .

< div class = "imgcenter"> Portret
Portrait of a chair
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
 Portrait with
Portrait with "The Book of Job" < br /> Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
In the studio . Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

ARTinvestment.RU: Until the end of May in Trubnikovsky , 17 the exhibition " Alexander Vertinsky . Legend century" , the 125th anniversary of the poet , organized by Anastasia Vertinskaya . There, in particular , you can see a book of poems executed Vertinsky " Yellow Angel ", to which you have written the foreword . But you have made ​​as an artist and co-author of all this show ?

Yuri Kuper : Yes . We are friends . I worked not only on this show , but also on the books and discs Vertinsky , which makes Anastasia .

Yuri Kuper Alexander Vertinsky . Daughter
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

AI: You are now almost Total running Russia ?

JK : Yes , I live between Moscow and Paris , but mostly in Russian . In America I still had a workshop, but I am very seldom there .

AI: In Moscow you is gallery "Our artists" Natalia Kournikova. And with what you are running galleries in Paris ?

JK : In France, I work with several galleries . For example, ceramics and sculpture engaged Parisian Vallois. They have , for example, have my big " Pompeian " cup - ceramic diameter of about 60 cm total such cups were made ​​of 16 pieces , but it's not circulation , they are all different . Graphics , lithographs and etchings sells Institut Bouquinerie.

AI: The last time we published a manifesto on virtually your distinct tastes of the threat on the part of investment fashion . Did you see something bright in Russian art that struck you in recent years?

JK : I still amazes reaction rather ordinary people, the bourgeoisie and the people to collect different fashion in art. They quickly try to join the " avant-garde " that simply amazed . Pussy Riot and ready to take over a new word , and Pavlenskogo nailed himself to the cobblestones of Red Square. The saddest thing that 's just the beginning . I mean we are just the beginning .

AI: I would not say that the bourgeoisie downright readily accepted radical art .

< p class = "mat1"> JK : Is it? Well , anyway , curators fun on this thing underway . Because it's just out of their field : do not sell works of art themselves , but rather to sell tickets to the show ( Cooper manifesto read here ). It surprises me .

AI: Curators appreciate success and informational resonance too. The more international . And with Pussy Riot there and Madonna and Uma Thurman, and Hollywood. This is largely natural.

JK : I agree . I'm not really against or for . Just all this raises a smile - Chichikov history , it still exists . But mostly it seems to me , tend to young artists . Because when you're just starting , it is hardly the only way to quickly assert themselves .

AI: Well, there is something in contemporary Russian art that you in a good way inspires ?

JK : I can not say that I was very particular about . But some time ago I discovered creativity Nicholas Polissky . Its objects - for example, the giant gate of logs. This is all that we call art : the thought and idea and execution. I know that he has long been known , it's just for myself, I only recently discovered . A group of "War" and others - it's all the same series ' past Teschin home I do not go no joke ... »

AI: I actually feel that from any fundamental and radical things public is already starting to get bored. People begin to stretch again to the classic beauty .

JK : Yes ? I did not notice anything .

AI: I can do that on the example of our own auctions confirm that items that dominates traditional beauty note , sold much better. Even though I love more conceptual work .

JK : I love . And Polissky it too this conceptual side. But his works have human memory , knowledge of the history of art , the ability to work with the material - all the ingredients of art that exist. And with them you can do anything . But when a member of a draw on the bridge ... well, yes, it's entertaining . Certainly better than Somedy Slub .

AI: You will not spoil the audience solo exhibitions . Why ?

JK : Personal exhibition was in my gallery Natalia Kournikova a few years ago . But now I became interested in architecture more , their projects . So I write a little paintings for sale separately , but in fact his paintings fill me well -built homes .

Besides , I do not see much sense in a lot of exhibitions. Natasha suits me completely, to make exhibitions in other galleries are not interested : I have so many of these shows made ​​in my life ... That's when she had then made ​​to a very high level. And just hang paintings on the walls and sell them no longer interesting .

AI: The role of exhibitions and promotion in our time has gone nowhere . Everything is important .

JK : In 1972 , when I emigrated , I had a friend who said, " You fool , that he was leaving . We are now members of the Union of Artists , we will soon have to choose the bureau , and where are you ? " That is for him at that moment to be a secretary some section in the Union had some meaning and value . And for me - no. Even then. I had other priorities. Same thing here. I have no desire to get to the attention of people who are hyping some artists here .

AI: In one of your interviews was surprised to read that you have come to the art will case. Usually we hear the opposite, such as "I wanted to be a child artist ." And as you read: did not read books , was not going to be an artist . It is true ?

JK ( laughs) : Yes . It was. But then another time it was . The street was the main occupation . Surprised myself as passed by the prison , because that yard, where I went , there was no one who would not be sitting . There's all the generations passed through the prisons .

AI: Until now enthusiastically recall your luxury "Book of Job" in a metal cover, which you showed me last time . What was the fate of this project? And what are you still doing in the genre livre d'artiste?

JK : « The Book of Job " the whole is already sold out , there were 30 instances . What else do in this genre ? Quite a long time in American publishing house The Limited Editions published my book was published , " My Sister - Life " by Boris Pasternak . I'm doing a book - the score of "Swan Lake " by Tchaikovsky with the same publisher , which made ​​the " Book of Job ." She designed a limited edition of 16 copies. Parallel to working on " Mozart and Salieri " and " The Bronze Horseman " by Pushkin .

 Yuri Kuper Mozart and Salieri
Yuri Kuper Mozart and Salieri
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
 Yuri Kuper Swan Lake
Yuri Kuper Swan Lake. Photo: Yuri Cooper Studio

AI: Do I understand that now about seventy percent of your time is spent on the development of architectural designs and interiors including designer furniture ?

JK : Yes, perhaps . Integrated project for a house takes two - three years. But I do not only design of country houses and apartments. For example, I did the facade and interior of the Voronezh theater. For Father Tikhon I did a new draft Candlemas Monastery . Another notable works - for the second curtain design Mariinsky Theatre Valery Gergiev , the synagogue project in Perm. In the work so much more .

AI: How soon the Moscow audience can see your paintings at exhibitions ?

JK : Soon Vallois lucky my pictures in Baku and then to Moscow , to the Salon des Beaux- Arts (MWFAF 2014 ) . Of plans : Geneva Kramer makes my monograph is ready, maybe a year . But I do a little in promotion , and more catching the buzz directly from work. The process itself interested me more than any of this investment policy .

these , but only if those words for a long time did not go out of my head on the way back to Moscow. In the same " City of drainpipes ." From the speakers sounded just received as a gift eponymous CD- Yuri Cooper poems set to music by Alexander Marshall. Performed by the author.

Interviewed by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

Yuri Kuper Scales
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
Yuri Kuper
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
< /tbody>
Yuri Kuper
Lilac Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

Yuri Kuper
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
Yuri Kuper field
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

Yuri Kuper City downpipes
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
 Yuri Kuper Bronze Horseman
Yuri Kuper The Bronze Horseman
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

Architectural and design projects

Yuri Kuper Theatre Hall . Interior . project . Photo: Yuri Cooper Studio

Yuri Kuper Theatre Hall . Curtain . Draft
Photo: Studio Yuri Cooper
Yuri Kuper Stolniy . Architectural design . Photo: Yuri Cooper Studio

Yuri Kuper Interior . Draft
Photo: Studio Yuri Cooper

View temple Sretensky
Photo: Studio Yuri Cooper
Yuri Kuper The church interior Candlemas Monastery . project . Photo: Yuri Cooper Studio

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