Literature: Doug Woodham. Art Collecting Today
The book "collecting today," the American economist, and the practice of market Doug Woodham opens a new section AI with reviews of publications in the field of the art market
Art Collecting Today
Market Insights for Everyone Passionate about Art
author: DougWoodham
year: 2017
208 pages
publisher: AllworthPress, USA
ISBN: 9781621535737
Each of the authors producing a monograph on the art market, and forms book by-своему. Hans Ulrich Obrist was "a Brief history of curating" from interviews with stakeholders, the Creator of the bestsellers about a pickled shark and inflatable dog Donald Thompson conducted market research in libraries Sotheby sInstituteofArt and Christie sEducation, studying the latest trends in the graduation works of students. The author of the last of the major published books on the art market Doug Woodham — former Director of the U.S. office of Christie's — have collected material based on my own experience and more than 100 interviews with art-функционерами. A large part of the book is framed as a first person narrative, offering the reader more to trust the author than to rely on their own interpretation of witnesses interview contexts.
the First thing that catches the eye is good by segments of the art market covers almost all the region, information representing the majority of players. The author's text is accompanied by a mini-вопросами which the author gives detailed answers. Note also the change of theory and of historical or practical examples, providing enjoyable reading. The statistical tables do not take up 2/3 of the book, as in ArtoftheDeal Noah Horowitz (2014), and enjoyed easy, informative and appropriate. While a reasonable percentage of insider aims to convince the reader that it is ready to share secrets and he now understands the processes of the market. The entry tells the story of how you can easily and (still) free to go to the world of art — a great move to relax the reader to more complex chapters. The story about using Instagram and hashtags contemporary artists creates a sense of ownership of the process. All the reader on the hook!
hint at the correlation of prices between the public and private markets remains a hint and should entice the reader to dig further. Very important is the availability of tips for independent search by the collector of information for making informed decisions and the importance of managing a collection. For the first time in this literature clearly and examples explains the concept of the hammer price, Commission of the seller and charges the buyer. UTD and artists — in particular, six stories of success from Modigliani to Kusama, as well as the basics of pricing in the primary market. Phrase-бестселлером edition let's call a quote collector who wished to remain anonymous: "One the paid amount — is a simple record, two — is already a trend, and three — shape the market."
the Only drawback of the book — warning the reader — can be considered its name. At the moment of the edition of Art Collecting Today, in 2017, the generation of collectors the beginning of inevitable change, and with it — rules of conduct on the market. Therefore, it would be better to call the monograph "the Art of collecting, 1973-2017". And after — to read, write remember — and move on. Periodically looking into the research work of the students of Sotheby's, as do modern culture.
Source:Allworth Press
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