Art Investment

The exhibition of Kandinsky Prize nominees

Yesterday in the Central House of Artists opened the exhibition of works by Kandinsky Prize nominees to be awarded for achievements in the field of contemporary art

yesterday at the Central House of Artists held an exhibition of works by Kandinsky Prize Nominees, awarded for achievements in the field of contemporary art.

Exhibitors nominees based on the selection jury and the advisory council " Kandinsky Prize 2010 "are:

category" Project of the Year 2010 »: AES + F ; Nikita Alexeev, Peter White, Alexander Brodsky, Lucius Ganieva; Aladdin Harun; Dmitry Gretsky; Andrey Kuleshov and Mikhail Ivanov; Dmitry Kawarga; Alexei Kallima ; Kosorukov Gleb, Vladimir Kustov, Anton Litvin, Andrew Luft, Rauf Mamedov, Igor Mukhin; Vitaly Pushitskii; Evgeny Semenov; « Blue Noses» ; Alexander Slyusarev; Natalia Turnovsko ; Irina Steinberg.

Nominated Young Artist. Project of the Year 2010 »: Recysle; Tatiana Ahmetgalieva; Alexander Gronsky; Arseniy Jiliaev; Pauline Kanis; Taisiya Korotkov, Andrei Kuz'kin; Valery Matveev, Nibiru, Natalia Pavlov, Olga Treyvas, Victor Yulev; Gregory Yushchenko.

Nomination of Media Art. Project of the Year 2010 »: Victoria Begalskaya; Andrew Blazhnov; Dmitry Bulnygin; Christina Zakharov; Yakov Kazhdan, Gleb Kosorukov, Alexander Lavrov, Victoria Lomasko and Anton Nikolaev; Innocent Sharkov, Aleksandr Tarbeyev, Daria Chapkovskaya, Catherine Kochkina; Marina Fomenko.


Pictures from the opening ceremony and the comment by Vladimir Bogdanov, AI, look at the forum AI .

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